Compatibility Libra and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Libra with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Generally, a union between two signs that depend on the same element works well. This is the case here for Libra and Aquarius which are both air signs. Their relationship has every chance of success because it is based on both spiritual understanding and a life-giving intellectual connection.

Both Libra and Aquarius wish to live a harmonious life without drama and passion. If there is one thing they both hate, it is the ups and downs that come with emotional instability.

Both these signs need their own space and know how to respect that of their partner in order to live happily together. However, while Libra only really feels satisfied when they have a really successful relationship and that is more important than anything else, Aquarius is much less fusional and fears that too much togetherness will impact on their freedom.

Aquarius' greatest fear is that they will ultimately feel suffocated by Libra's immense need for proofs of affection that they are not necessarily able to offer. Despite this cloud on the horizon, Libra and Aquarius are open and understanding enough to be able to overcome the problem and keep their relationship going.


understanding, respect, dialogue


possessiveness, independence, suffocation

Communication and emotion between Libra and Aquarius

Usually communication between these two air signs is relatively easy. When Libra and Aquarius are together, it can feel like they've known each other forever. They find it easy to chat and in fact can talk for hours without getting bored. They often like to go out for a walk at night just for the pleasure of being together but can also enjoy noisy events that are full of other people. As their rhythm of life and their hobbies are almost identical, their relationship is truly harmonious and should have no problem lasting for a long time.

When it comes to their emotions, sharing is a little more complex. Libra expects to express deep feelings and have a total spiritual and physical communion with the person who shares their life. However, Aquarius is much less extroverted than Libra, they don't express their emotions often and believe that actions are more important than words. This can create some conflict between them but usually any disputes disappear as quickly as they appear.

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Trust between Libra and Aquarius

Libra and Aquarius' natural ease with communication can play tricks on them. On the one hand, Libra feels an almost visceral need to charm the people around them, more because they need the reassurance of feeling desirable than because they really want to act on it. Aquarius too loves to have contact with people from all walks of life but doesn't realize this can trigger Libra's jealousy.

Although Libra loves to flirt they hate to feel threatened on their own ground. That said, Aquarius also hates Libra's penchant for flirting and their avoidance of commitment. This latent jealousy can certainly spice up their story but in an ideal world they would both limit their excursions into ambiguous situations and find friends in common to bring them peace of mind. So do they trust each other? Yes, but they still have the occasional doubt nonetheless!

Intimacy and sexuality of Libra with Aquarius

When it comes to emotions, Aquarius is not at ease with anything that resembles exaggeration. Although they may not be able to proclaim their love in words, they are much more open under the sheets where they seem less embarrassed about expressing what they feel. It is often said actions speak louder than words which is good as it's the best way for Aquarius to prove to Libra how much they care. And as Libra is fond of any display of affection, no matter what form it takes, they will be delighted with Aquarius' interest.

These two signs have the same way of approaching sex so generally have good sex lives. Neither of them is filled with passion or ardor but they still know how to have fun in bed. They are not so much interested in performance; it is everything that comes before the act that really matters. A romantic atmosphere and well-chosen foreplay are a very important part of their intimacy.

Compatibility in love

A Libra man with an Aquarius woman: a union between Miss Aquarius and Mr Libra is usually well-balanced, great upheavals are not part of their life plan. They each have a fairly calm personality, so there are not many conflicts in their relationship. It cannot be said that Mr Libra is normally a model of fidelity but when he falls in love with Miss Aquarius, he can be totally transformed and devote himself solely to his couple. Miss Aquarius is a strong-willed, independent woman who is ready to respect Mr Libra's freedom without asking too many questions because she is a diplomat who never fights useless battles.

A Libra woman with an Aquarius man: Miss Libra and Mr Aquarius can have an almost perfect understanding. From the beginning of their story, they do their best to create harmony in their life as a couple and they do it very well. They know how to overcome difficulties by always supporting each other and this helps to strengthen their union. Mr Aquarius hates being bored and with Miss Libra by his side he is unlikely to find his existence monotonous. Their relationship will also benefit from their mutual respect for each other's freedom. Sometimes Mr Aquarius' strong need for independence tempts him to roam and this can disappoint Miss Libra. However, she is delicate enough not to be overly harsh with him.

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Compatibility at work of Libra with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

To feel good at work, Libra needs to be in a relaxed atmosphere in the company of trusted colleagues. They usually get on very well with other air signs because they work at the same rhythm. Aquarius is a creative sign, and they have such a constant stream of ideas they are probably the most avant-garde sign of the zodiac. Their innovative methods may surprise others, but they get along very well with other air signs because they are open to dialogue.

At work a Libra and Aquarius team is usually fruitful because they both like a job well done. In addition, they both find a harmonious environment boosts their productivity and they also have a rebellious side that makes them hate discipline.

These two signs do not feel any difficulty in getting along and communicating, so their partnership is very effective. No matter what challenges they face, they will always find a creative solution that is off the beaten track. The only cloud in this partnership is their tendency to daydream and that they easily get detached from reality. So it's not uncommon for them to need a third person to bring them back down to earth and remind them of what needs to be achieved. If Aquarius is the boss Libra will appreciate the freedom of action they are given. If Libra is the boss they will be surprised by Aquarius' remarkable intuition, as well as their adaptability and alertness.


communication, creativity, independence


daydreaming, hesitation, rambling


Compatibility in friendship of Libra with Aquarius

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Degree of Affinity

Libra has a very sociable nature and people find it easy to get to know them. Moreover, their charm contributes to the fact that people they meet usually want to talk more with them. Libra usually prefers to keep things light and good-natured. It's not that they can't have serious conversations, just that they hate anything that can make an atmosphere disagreeable. Libra's communication skills mean they know how to make an atmosphere joyful and welcoming.

Aquarius is a little different in the sense that they know how to reach out to others but find it more difficult to make lasting connections. As they tend to be unconventional in their approach, they find it hard to blend into a group, even if they enjoy the dynamics. Aquarius is more reserved than Libra because they know they are more socially awkward, as if they lacked something to enable them to make themselves understood. So they rarely initiate contact, but are happy when others do so.

A friendship between Libra and Aquarius is quite possible and can be long-lasting. They both want to keep their independence but are always warm and available for their loved ones. This is a relationship where both parties are on equal footing, there is no leader or follower. It is not uncommon for a friendship between Libra and Aquarius to begin in childhood and continue throughout their lives.


communication, kindness, emulation


contradiction, absenteeism, betrayal


Compatibility in the family of Libra with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At the family level, Libra and Aquarius are two very communicative signs, so they have no major problems understanding each other. The rhythm at which they live their lives and their mutual love of independence allow them to coexist peaceably. From the outside, Libra and Aquarius may seem quite detached from each other but in fact the opposite is true. They know how to love without stifling and actually exert an influence on each other of which they are not necessarily even aware.

When it comes to marriage, they find it easy to agree and the divorce rate between these signs is one of the lowest. These two signs put the harmony of their couple before anything else and even if conflicts arise, they know how to negotiate in order to resolve them quickly. Their union is based on unconditional mutual support, respect and trust. Each knows how to motivate the other and this contributes to their emotional and material success. Libra and Aquarius both love to travel and lead very active social lives as they have many friends. Time seems to have no effect on them. Even after many years of living together they seem to appreciate each other as much as they did on the day they met.


freedom, togetherness, admiration


rebellion, stubbornness, jealousy

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