Compatibility Aries and Aquarius


Love compatibility of Aries with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

From their first meeting, Aries and Aquarius manage to get on really well together. When they are together adventure and travel are on the program and boredom and monotony have no place in their relationship.

Aquarius is attracted to Aries' dynamism and is capable of abandoning everything at the drop of a hat to follow the fire sign and live an existence full of twists and turns. For their part, Aries is seduced by non-conformist Aquarius and really admires this air sign's love of freedom.

Aries and Aquarius are the embodiment of a bonded couple who communicate a lot and whose feelings are powerful. 
The air sign helps Aries to channel their energies and lifts them up when they are down. Aries is not particularly interested in commitment, but Aquarius can make them think about it and consider becoming less of a butterfly.

Above all, Aries needs Aquarius to give them the certainty they are loved and reassure them of their intentions. From that point, these two signs can build a strong and lasting relationship based on trust and respect. As long as they each respect the other's independence, this is a loving relationship that works perfectly.


travel, fantasy, freedom


independence, loyalty, anger

Communication and emotion between Aries and Aquarius

Communication flows between Aries and Aquarius. They love chatting and exchanging ideas. Aries is overwhelmed by Aquarius who always has something new to teach them. A being who usually finds it impossible to stand still can stay listening to the air sign's stories for hours. These two partners love to share their thoughts while having interesting things to tell each other. The teasing side of Aquarius won't hesitate to make fun of Aries. Together, they have a lot of fun and even if they argue, they never stay angry for very long.

On the emotional level, relationships are a little more complicated because Aquarius needs a lot of patience before they can open their heart. Unfortunately, gentleness is not Aries' most obvious characteristic. And they sometimes believe the air sign is cold and unfeeling. However, they are quite the opposite; Aquarius may not express their emotions openly, but they feel them strongly.

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Trust between Aries and Aquarius

Aries is a sign that needs to have absolute confidence in their partner, whereas Aquarius has a more liberal attitude, they don't think a few slips in fidelity should be a problem in a couple. However, they are very honest and will immediately admit if they slip up. They don't see any harm in having a free relationship outside their couple although this can cause problems for Aries who is very jealous by nature.

Aries needs to feel they are the sole focus of their partner's attention. If they feel Aquarius is someone likely to deceive this will awaken their dark side and make them very suspicious. On the other hand, in general these two do not hesitate to talk to each other about everything, there are no lies between them. Even when they fight, they'll express themselves freely and this helps to strengthen their relationship.

Intimacy and sexuality of Aries with Aquarius

The sex life of Aries and Aquarius can pose some problems; it very much depends on the character of each partner. If they both love bedroom games that have no restrictions, then there shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, Aquarius is naturally less physical than Aries. They are generally more spiritual and can totally dispense with carnal pleasures without feeling frustrated. Moreover, the air sign will need Aries to display a deep and sincere attachment.

And if Aquarius feels insufficiently loved or lacking in confidence, Aries can go and get dressed! Obviously, this can cause conflicts between them because Aries is not used to being told no. The fire sign always wants to try something new, wherever and whenever they please. This does not necessarily appeal to Aquarius who wants a little more respect and balance; they are not like Aries, who needs sex to feel alive and loved.

Compatibility in love

An Aries man with an Aquarius woman: this is a pair that will work very well provided that Mr Aries and Miss Aquarius can each have the freedom they need. An open union is probably the best solution for them, so they do not feel trapped in conventional roles. Miss Aquarius loves travel and adventure, and this chimes very well with the temperament of Mr Aries, who lives life at a hundred miles an hour. Fortunately, the air sign can temper the fire sign's passion and help stop him from acting recklessly.

An Aries woman with an Aquarius man: this is a couple based on solid friendship and lots of things in common. Both abhor constraints so they feel best in a non-conventional couple. They never get bored when they're together. Mr Aquarius is a little more reserved about sex, but Miss Aries is the friend and lover he is looking for, the one who brings him everything he needs in his life.

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Compatibility at work of Aries with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Aries and Aquarius work remarkably well together and they get very good results. Aquarius is eccentric and never follows a pre-established pattern, they don't like doing things the way other people do and prefer to follow their own path. The more complex the work, the happier they will be because it requires them to be creative. If they are given tasks that are too easy, they will lose all interest.

For their part, Aries is the locomotive that pulls Aquarius in its wake, they have plenty of ambition, nothing frightens them and they are up for every challenge. If each leaves the other free to do what they do best, they are a formidable team that can go far. Their association has something visionary, and they motivate each other well. While Aries is always in the present and raring to go, Aquarius is about communication and the future. In short, they are about movement and thinking ahead, so make a great team.

If Aquarius is the boss, Aries may have a problem with the air sign's authority. On the other hand, Aquarius will give them complete freedom to run their projects as they see fit. 
If Aries is the boss, they will be very authoritative but will also have confidence in Aquarius' skills. Aries appreciates Aquarius' intuition and their communication skills, to the point that Aquarius often finds they have all the latitude they need to achieve their goals.


enthusiasm, communication, originality


independence, authority, haste


Compatibility in friendship of Aries with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In friendship, Aries and Aquarius have a lot of affinities that help them to develop a strong bond. They feel an immediate spark when they meet and always find it a pleasure to be together chatting or doing the same hobbies. Their passion for travel and adventure in general is an element that really brings them close.

These are two energetic signs that love sincerity in their relationships. Their common interests are the pillars of a lifelong relationship. Obviously, they sometimes argue because Aries wants to be the star and the captain of the boat, but Aquarius is quite fond of being in command too! However, Aquarius is better at compromise and knows how to make concessions. So their quarrels never last long.

Aries and Aquarius often have the same point of view on life and their objectives are very similar. It is probably for this reason that they get along so well, they understand each other and support each other in difficult situations. Often, a friendship between Aries and Aquarius can begin at an early age and last until death separates them.


leisure, passions, adventure


ego, interventionism, affirmation


Compatibility in the family of Aries with Aquarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In the family, the understanding between Aries and Aquarius is excellent so long as everyone is allowed their freedom and feelings can be expressed easily. If they have strong ties motivating them, they may well start a family that lasts for a long time. Aquarius and Aries do everything to maintain human warmth and innovation because there is no question of these two being bored when they are together. In general, they often find they share a common passion and have the same tastes in terms of films or hobbies. Their views on education are also shared.

In everyday life, these two signs are very dynamic, motivating each other to help their projects succeed. Aries is anchored in the present and Aquarius likes to consider the future, but this does not harm their understanding because they complement each other wonderfully. Aquarius is a good strategist who constantly develops innovative ideas to avoid monotony in the family. And, as they often lack the courage to implement these ideas, determined Aries will take over and give them life. Together, therefore, they can lead a happy family life for many years.


leisure, passion, complicity


independence, misunderstanding, jealousy

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