Horoscope for Saturday, March 08

Although it cannot be said to be particularly negative, your astral chart nevertheless suggests that today you'll encounter a number of difficulties. On this March 8, therefore, Pisces will have to be patient and accept that they're unlikely to achieve their plans in the short term. The influence of Saturn can be felt here.

Naturally, you might be tempted to look away and push ahead regardless of your problems. On the contrary, Mercury advises you to face up to them today, by discussing them with your loved ones or by reflecting on the very real issues they raise.

You know, attractive as it is, sticking your head in the sand is never successful in the long run. You're going to have to come up for air at some point! So it's up to you to decide to be courageous and show the strength of character you need to overcome these obstacles. You'll manage it brilliantly.

On this March 8, you might feel like you're really unlucky and the world has ganged up on you.

Rest assured, nothing very serious will happen to you today. Your luck may change as early as tomorrow.


Pisces in love

Like it or not, happy ever after tales and Disney princess stories have been an integral part of our upbringing. Since they depict ideal love relationships, we sometimes have trouble accepting the little difficulties you find in every romantic relationship. Therefore, on Saturday, you'll feel guilty when you realize that your relationship may not as fulfilling as before.

Don't let this scare you, these doubts are perfectly normal, and even quite healthy! Single Pisces in search of true love will doubt they are going about it in the right way. Their psychological blockages will be more obvious than ever today.

In a relationship: doubts (re)surface today

Keep one thing in mind: having doubts is a normal process, even when it comes to love and your relationship with your partner. After all, building a life together isn't easy! On this March 8, you will feel the need to talk about it openly with your partner, who you'll find to be unexpectedly supportive.

If you want them to calm your fears you'll still need to be diplomatic and respectful of their feelings when you communicate. Mercury in your sky will certainly help you find the right words.

Single: life hasn't always been kind to you

What if the difficulties you are having finding a person to spend your life with were due to the traumatic experiences you have had in the past? Your past suffering has made you create a thick shell around you that no one is able to pierce today.

Since you don't want this situation to be eternal, today you'll accept you need to address these issues. However, you will need to be patient to overcome them. The healing process begins this Saturday.


Pisces at work

If you hoped that today would be your lucky day you're going to have to lower your expectations! Although it's not boring, your professional life is currently not as rewarding as it could be. No matter how hard you try, now is definitely not the moment for change.

If you want to develop your career, take the time to define what you want and establish a concrete action plan. You shouldn't have to wait too long to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Opportunities: perseverance is your only solution

Due to the influence of Saturn, it's unlikely things will turn in your favor this #mois. However, this is not a reason to give up and let yourself be overcome by despair.

By taking a step back from your situation and talking to your loved ones, you will quickly find the basics of a solution. Ultimately, your victory will be all the more fulfilling. Adversity is an essential part of every human being's life.

Pisces and money

On the financial side, it is status quo today. The doubts you'll have will prevent you from thinking about setting up a new savings plan or thinking about new investment solutions.

As you are not too much to be pitied from a financial point of view, this wait-and-see attitude won't harm you. It's always a good idea to take your time when it comes to money anyway.

Your prospects: don't take any risks

Perhaps the Sun will encourage you to try your luck and try to change your situation. In this context, it would actually be more prudent to take a step back and think carefully about the implications of such a change.

There's no point in moving forward when you don't know where you are going!


An overview of your day of March 8

Today, the obstacles you have to overcome may seem bigger to you than they really are. Like all of us, you still have scores to settle with your past before you can look forward to the future more calmly.

In this astral context ruled by Saturn, communication will certainly be your most faithful ally. At work and at home, in love and in friendship, your ability to clearly express your fears will undoubtedly help you to see them more clearly.

Although you may feel that your situation isn't changing quickly enough, you are actually laying the foundation for a more fulfilling future. By persevering in your efforts, the return on your investment will certainly be more interesting than you think. The coming light will be very welcome.

My tip on how to make the most of today

Knowing how to listen to your feelings without giving your doubts too much importance: this is a good philosophy for this March 8. The difficulties you are currently encountering are invaluable tools that help you get a better understanding of your relationship to the world and what you want from it.

Although they are intense, they're not an indication of your future. Rather than trying to resolve them as quickly as possible, accept what they have to teach you wholeheartedly. Only with time will you find the best solutions for moving forward. Life is a long race!

The Moon of March 8

Waxing gibbous

The gibbous moon will be waxing in the coming days and this is the perfect opportunity to polish some details on a project that is important to you, or even to make subtle adjustments to your roadmap. Your curiosity could lead towards a path that is more suited to your true expectations. 

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