Horoscope for Saturday, March 08
The atmosphere that emerges from the presence of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus makes you very determined to see your actions through to the end. This is particularly the case in the emotional sphere, and it mainly concerns those Sagittarius who are in a relationship.
You want to accomplish a whole bunch of important projects in a hurry, and it doesn't cross your mind that your partner could have a different opinion than you about any of them. Maybe you should have another look at your plans and be a bit less abrupt in how you present them?
If you are single, you are invited to get out of your comfort zone because being afraid doesn't protect you from danger and all you've been doing up to now is preventing yourself from living fully. Professionally, like the Boy Scouts, you are always ready to contribute to any project that comes up, but this time Jupiter has one in store for you that could go beyond your expectations.
In luck, the Sagittarius astral climate serves your need for recognition at work. Lady luck also helps you to keep your head on your shoulders, choose your fights well and, especially, to know where you'll get the best return on your efforts.
You have a lot of determination and your main asset this March 8 is knowing exactly what to use it for.
Sagittarius in love
In love, the Sagittarius astral climate is filling you with exciting projects, especially if you are in a couple. The combination of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus pushes you to act on your desires as soon as you feel them. To others you could appear capricious or even overbearing because you don't want to deviate from the goals you've set yourself. Try to be diplomatic at the very least because you risk really annoying your partner who may not feel the same urgency as you.
If you are single, all you have to do is accept the need to open yourself up to others, like a flower blooming in the sun. It's time to give yourself permission to live well, and all the conditions are right for you to make promising encounters.
In a relationship: you are tenacious
Today, you feel the need to put your relationship on a formal basis, and if you don't yet have children, perhaps even start a family. You've kept these desires secret for a long time but influenced by Mars and Venus, today you want to get them out in the open.
You are like an impatient kid whining at their parents, pressurizing your partner to give in to what you want. You are ready to use every weapon in your armory to achieve your ends and if that means spoiling your loved one so outrageously they feel obliged to give in, you won't hesitate.
Single: abandon your defenses
This Saturday, the stars, and especially Uranus, invite you to drop the protective shell you adopt of a well-satisfied person who is afraid of losing what they have. You've used this protection to avoid suffering but as a result you are still alone.
Today, if you want to unleash your potential to live an extraordinary love you need to let go of your fears. If you manage to overcome this blockage, you can deploy all your charms to seduce anyone you want. With the support of Jupiter, anything is allowed.
Sagittarius at work
The Sagittarius astral climate at work today makes you very willing to learn new things and work in a team. You always want to go faster and further, but the plan for today is not necessarily what you imagined and you will meet a refusal.
Don't scowl, with Mars and Uranus in your astral sky rapid changes are in order. Jupiter is about to send you an even more interesting project that could meet all your expectations.
Opportunities: if you overcome your inner blockages
This March 8, you will undoubtedly have to face a choice in the professional field. There may be two areas that you really like. Your heart and your head are competing over which is the best one to choose.
If you can overcome your limiting beliefs, Mars and Jupiter will help you think big and not put the brakes on your growth.
Sagittarius and money
The financial astral climate for Sagittarius is sending you good news via an unexpected inflow of money, thanks to the influence of Jupiter and Uranus. However, you feel a little unimpressed with the people around you as you find them quite intrusive.
Some of your loved ones take the liberty of telling you what to do with your money when you haven't even asked their opinion. Don't forget Mars is the god of war so It wouldn't take too much for you to overreact to what they say.
Gains and losses: you 're going at lightning speed
This Saturday, events follow one another with such rapidity that you are liable to make unintentional mistakes. Uranus pulls you into a whirlpool that makes you lose all sense of judgment.
Your finances are doing well, but they could easily suffer from your lack of judgment. Calm your urge to spend and think carefully before committing your money anywhere.
An overview of your day of March 8
Today, Sagittarius feel good about themselves and very sure of themselves, maybe even a little too much! When it comes to your heart, once you have decided on something, it's difficult to get you to change your mind and this Saturday you are as uncontrollable as a child on Christmas morning!
What you see as foregone conclusions your partner could see as headstrong whims. How urgent is it to get married or have a child this March 8? Only you know the answer, but you'd better be convincing. If you are looking for love, you are going to have to do some work on yourself and agree to open up to the world. You have a life that is too introverted to give you the opportunity of meeting the right person.
When it comes to professional opportunities, you have so many ideas buzzing around in your head that you don't know where to start. Listen to your intuition when making your choice, it will be your best guide. For your finances, all is well, and you intend to let the people who think they know better than you that it's your money and you will do what you think best with it.
My advice for making the most of today
The events of this Saturday follow one another at breakneck speed, and you are strongly advised to exercise good judgment in the actions you take. You are too inclined to go with the flow and this can contribute to some self-sabotage, particularly in your love life. Take the time to understand what is driving you to act so urgently. Don't blindly follow all of your dreams because they don't necessarily need to be fulfilled here and now.
Today, you seem to be the victim of too much energy that you don't know how to use. What if you offered some concrete help to people in need? This would allow you to focus on something other than pipe dreams.