Horoscope for Friday, March 07
Today's atmosphere promises to be annoying in more ways than one because the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn will play on your nerves. Jupiter is encouraging you to grow but Saturn is putting obstacles in your path.
It will therefore require a strong dose of patience from you to get through the day. You'll experience frustration and checks, especially in love, and you'll feel like you're being tested although you don't know why. Your faith is unwavering but there will be a lot of challenges, so you'll have to hang in there.
The good thing about all of this is that you have the strength you need to overcome anything that could interfere with your plans. Your work and your finances are quite stable, you seem to be going through a profitable period here and this is comforting. Besides, a day only lasts 24 hours so you should be able to get through it!
Today your astral climate reminds you that your luck is related to your perseverance and tenacity in the face of adversity.
When you stay focused on your goals and stay positive under all circumstances, luck will always be on your side, as it is on this March 7. Jupiter supports your career, despite any downturns, and success should be within your reach.
Pisces in love
In love your astral climate inspires and annoys you at the same time. You dream of a happy and prosperous life with your other half ... Only, Saturn is determined to sow discord so that if you say white, your partner will say black. Do you see the picture? If you are in a relationship expect today to be tense, with nothing going the way you would like.
If you are single, you may be at the end of your tether because the search for that special someone feels never ending. Although the obstacles seem insurmountable to you today, you only need to take one step to cross the abyss of loneliness. You get discouraged, yet you are so close to success and there is every chance you will meet someone great.
In a relationship: expect a little interference on the line...
Jupiter's influence is making you dream of sunshine, romantic getaways and time for two ... But apparently, you and your partner are not on the same page. This March 7, you don't have the same hopes or desires at all.
So to overcome your frustration, you decide to suffer in silence. You don't have the strength for a fight and prefer to wait for your other half to have a change of mind so their feelings are more in tune with yours.
Single: after the blues you can make a fresh start!
Influenced by Saturn it looks like you're afraid of jumping into the water in case you can't swim. At the moment love looks like the unattainable grail, and you're lacking in confidence in yourself and your qualities.
You feel discouraged before you even start when, ironically, all you need is a little self-belief to give you the momentum you need to bridge the gap separating you from happiness. Today's astral configuration can make you feel paralyzed, but this is only a temporary blockage so if you can keep your hopes up you will find some strength to move forward. Patience!
Pisces at work
The astral climate for Pisces at work is little impacted by Saturn's austerity on this March 7. Your position in your work is firmly established, your qualities and skills are recognized at their fair value.
It seems your management is entrusting you with important tasks that can help you climb the ladder. In addition, you're not afraid of the obstacles you're bound to come across. On the contrary, you see them as challenges, opportunities to grow and develop your skills.
Opportunities: that respond to your desires
This Friday, Jupiter is pushing Pisces to exercise an activity that reflects their inner desires. Like many people you may not be in a job that is truly satisfying. Today, however, you may have an opportunity that could transform your professional situation.
Sometimes all it takes is a simple discussion with friends or an advertisement for a training course to trigger a change of course. So be mindful of synchronicities during today.
Pisces and money
The financial astral climate for Pisces is protected by Jupiter this March 7. You are entering a period of prosperity when you should begin to the see the results of your investments.
You have several projects that are brewing and they could prove very successful. So you should feel fairly serene about your material and financial situation.
Gains and losses: a time of plenty is on the horizon!
Today, there's every chance money will be heading your way. And not even Saturn's influence is likely to block it.
A great day to enjoy some cash inflow. Whether you're expecting money or not, make the most of it!
An overview of your day of March 7
Despite the tensions related to Jupiter and Saturn, you should end today without too much damage. Every time you advance you get blocked but you keep faith in your lucky star and don't give up and this attitude is paying off in more ways than one.
Professionally, you get the recognition you deserve and you are in a great upswing. On the financial side, you are reaping the rewards of your efforts and your current prosperity allows you to feel serene when you consider the future.
The only downside is your love life. If you are in a relationship you are disappointed with your partner's lack of enthusiasm and you're wondering if there's still a spark there. And if you are single your fear of failure stops you from creating a solid relationship. Don't give up hope, not everything is black and there will be better days!
My advice for making the most of today
You have achieved a certain material prosperity which makes you see life in a better light and you can be proud of your success. However, you feel lonely because you seem to have no one to share your satisfaction with. Something is missing in order for your life to be truly complete.
You want to achieve some balance in your life and to do this you need to work on your romantic relationships, to which you need to bring peace and wisdom. Don't see blocks in your relationships as a punishment. They will help you adapt and grow so you can achieve the best life for yourself.