Horoscope for Saturday, March 08
When Mars, the master of action meets Saturn, the master of prudence, one thing is certain, the Sun will struggle to find a space for itself. Today, as a good Aries, you'll be full of enthusiasm to move your life forward but blocked at every turn, which is likely to really annoy you.
Saturn is forcing you to check things out, holding you back so you can weigh the pros and cons of the situations you are going through. And that goes against your overwhelming desire to change your professional or romantic situation. You could say you look like a caged lion today and you're dying to shatter those bars.
Luckily for you, your finances are doing pretty well, so you don't have to torture yourself about them too! Be brave, luck is still on your side even though it's less obvious due to Saturn's stern austerity.
When it comes to luck today's astral climate seems to be on your side, except that under Saturn's influence what is called good luck may be more subtle than usual.
Today Saturn will promote anything that can bring you more peace, love and joy in your life. You are coming to a crossroads in your journey but if you pay attention to the signs on the road you might get some pleasant surprises.
Aries in love
The Aries astral climate in love is complicated on this March 8. You are torn by two contradictory energies. Mars makes you want to move your life forward and ignore the problems with your relationship. However, Saturn catches up with you at every turn and forces you to open your eyes to your situation, which is not as rosy as you want to pretend.
If you are single, you're ready to take the first steps to meet someone you really like. But that's without taking the killjoy Saturn into account, who's reminding you to "love yourself first!", meaning your impulses are nipped in the bud, which makes you beside yourself. Could it be you're in such a bad mood because there's some truth in what Saturn is saying?
In a relationship: take your head out of the sand!
If you are in a relationship you'd like to be a little playful and lighten things up a bit. But Saturn has other ideas and would like you to face reality. It seems you tend to lie to yourself about the seriousness of your couple's problems.
Saturn's influence is forcing you to realize that you are not really happy with your current partner. You know you deserve love, and Saturn is inviting you to face that fact, rather than pretending otherwise.
Single: cultivate your self-esteem
Today Mars is encouraging single Aries to go ahead and express what they feel, so they don't miss a great opportunity to settle down. However, if you want to be really attractive to others you need to work on your own self-respect first.
If you can learn to love yourself you won't find yourself emotionally dependent on your partner and this will help you to form a balanced and healthy romantic relationship.
Aries at work
The astral climate for Aries at work encourages you to stir things up. Today you may well feel resentful about an unscrupulous colleague. It's possible your colleague has placed the blame for their mistake on you and this will make you really angry.
It feels like a real betrayal to you and you don't like your manager treating you like a culprit. Fortunately, Mars should support you in your effort to bring the truth to light, even though it may take a little time.
Opportunities: that reward your involvement
Thanks to Saturn, your love for a job well done is recognized and you'll finally receive a reward for your efforts.
You may be offered a promotion or a raise to thank you for your hard work and team spirit. Enjoy your moment, you deserve it.
Aries and money
The Aries astral climate on the financial side is serene. This Saturday, you'll take the pulse of your finances and all the indicators are in good shape. You want to invest in a project that you have dreamed of for a long time.
You might be strongly tempted by a real estate purchase that you can rent out in order to earn regular income. Trust your common sense, aided by Mars, to open the doors that will allow you to carry out your project in the best way for you.
Gains and losses: you stir up envy
Your success today may make others jealous. Nevertheless, your financial interests are protected.
This March 8, you could connect with people who propose a partnership that could pay big in the future. Be ready to spot the right opportunities and follow your instincts, but don't forget to read the small print!
An overview of your day of March 8
Under the impact of the Sun, Mars and Saturn, Aries will feel a little unsettled today. Morally, you are forced to question your certainties and this really annoys you. You are invited to take your head out of the sand when it comes to your love life because now you know that you deserve better than what you have at the moment.
If you are single you need to learn to respect yourself more and not beg for affection at all costs. You have your dignity too! Professionally, you'll want to rip into a dishonest colleague, but fear not, time is on your side and the culprit will eventually be unmasked.
Financially, you have nothing to fear, things are going well for you and luck seems to be on your side. The main thing today is to try to keep your emotions in check to get through the turbulence caused by Mars and Saturn. Try to bear in mind that the things that annoy you are only fleeting. Count to ten and remember tomorrow is another day.
My advice for making the most of today
With the astral configuration of this March 8, things are not going to go as planned. Your impatience will make you unable to see the positive side of things, and you'll tend to dwell on trifles. Relax, today it's not just your endurance that's being tested but also your patience. So, focus on what you really want and don't give up.
Be sure to protect what you have created but also work for your future. You are ambitious and motivated, so act like a leader, communicate your vision of things and when the temporary blockages are lifted you can show the full extent of your talent.