Horoscope for Saturday, March 08

With the presence of Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, one thing is certain, by tonight your life will have taken a different turn from anything you've done so far. You understand that things in your life really need to change. You also know that this time you won't be able to settle for half measures, your life needs something really new.

In your love life, if you are in an inflexible relationship that has hurt you, you begin to ask yourself some questions. If you are single, now is the time to take the plunge because you know nothing is going to change if nothing changes.

Professionally, you need a breath of fresh air in your career, you are thirsty for new knowledge or you just want to change your horizons. Go for it! You have the wind in your sails. Financially, don't be tempted by honeyed words, only trust people you know well.


When it comes to luck, the Libra astral climate is on your side, helping you know how to quit situations that no longer suit you. This is particularly applicable in the professional field.

Influenced by Saturn and Pluto, you initiate a change in your career but are careful to measure the risks as well as the benefits. You don't do anything blindly, even if you do take your intuition into account in your choices.


Libra in love

In love the Libra astral climate today highlights what you need to change in your life. Pluto and Saturn are helping you make very real and serious changes in how you live your life. If you are in a relationship, you are looking for a new balance after a fuzzy phase where you didn't quite know how to move forward with your partner.

If you're single, you're going to have to compromise if you want to start a relationship with the person of your dreams. You can't expect the other person to make all of the effort, you have to do your part as well.

In a relationship: tune-up for a new start

Libras often have difficulty reconciling reason and impulses of the heart. This has confused you a lot lately and you are struggling to know how you should behave around your partner. You have focused a lot on money matters and this may have damaged your relationship.

This Saturday, Pluto and Mercury help you see things with more clarity and make you understand that sometimes you need to throw some of your existing ballast away so you can get new projects going, and especially help your relationship to keep growing. It’s all about balance.

Single: you know the solution to your problem

With Saturn around, one thing is certain, you will have found a way to resolve the problem that plagues you before the end of the day. You are very eager to form a solid relationship with someone you have met recently. Perhaps your biggest concern is the geographic distance between the two of you.

You visualize a bright future with this person but you have the impression that your lives are so different it's going to be incredibly difficult to reconcile them. To break this deadlock, this time it's up to you to make the move, literally, to live closer to your partner, if you want to build something that will last.


Libra at work

At work, the Libra astral climate is giving you clear pointers in your career this March 8. Thanks to Mercury and Saturn, you instinctively know how to make progress in your current career or start new projects.

And if your ambition is to try a completely new field, Pluto supports your desire for change. So it's the ideal day to start a new training course in order to perfect your skills or start your professional retraining.

Opportunities: new horizons await you

Pluto, who is the master of change, accompanies you throughout this day. So if you are looking for a job, if you want to create your own business or even take an exam, your success is favored. The stars are aligned to allow you to achieve a certain professional and financial balance.

Don't get depressed if you've quit your job because you think you've found something better. Your intuition is good, you can follow it with your eyes closed.

Libra and money

The astral climate is bringing an end to a period of delay that Libras have been experiencing. With Mercury and Pluto the wheel of change is turning in your favor and you attract luck and money.

Don't imagine you are going to win the lottery jackpot, but you still have the opportunity to forge a partnership that is very beneficial for your finances. Keep a close eye on your correspondence, more news is expected for this March 8 so don't let a great opportunity slip past you.

Gains and losses: Saturn puts you on your guard

In order to save you from financial losses, Saturn requires you to exercise extreme caution. Stay away from jealous people and gossips because they are not interested in you, only in your money.

If you want to maintain your financial balance, don't move outside the circle of people you trust and don't sign anything in a rush.


An overview of your day of March 8

When Pluto is present, you can't go back, you have to move forward and embrace change, but thanks to Saturn and Mercury, you don't do it just any old how. Everything you begin is carefully considered. You know where you are going and how to get there, you leave nothing to chance.

In love, you realize that things can't continue as they are with your partner. Your tendency to be very rigid when you're around them is hurting you so it's time to be a little more flexible in your attitude if you want this relationship to last.

If you are single you need to realize that if you want to create something solid you have to invest in it too. This time, it's up to you to move to a new city and make your desire to be committed clear to your other half. Professionally, you have the green light to enjoy new activities so now is the time to get started, you won't regret it.

My advice for making the most of today

The configuration of this day shows you that you can no longer retreat if you want to carry out your plans. You give yourself an ultimatum: either you move forward or you accept your dream projects will never see the light of day. You genuinely want to build a stable life with a home, a family and a career and there aren't a thousand different ways of getting there.

You have to overcome your resistance, accept the need to try something new and above all agree to abandon a past that is no longer what you want. By doing so, you will gain the freedom of action to get what you want that you currently lack.

The Moon of March 8

Waxing gibbous

You are obviously sure you've made the right choices and are completely committed to your projects. Despite this certainty, the waxing gibbous moon advises you to stay open to new things. In the days ahead, keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to indulge your curiosity. 

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