Monthly Horoscope for August 2025

As their astral conjunction is well balanced, Aries can expect to spend a particularly pleasant August. The meeting of Mercury and Mars can be considered an excellent omen for your future development. In the coming weeks, therefore, don't be surprised to see a noticeable increase in energy, which will allow you to make the most of your personal and love life, as well as your professional life.

In this favorable context, it's likely your projects will also progress faster than expected! And although you will be meticulous about your obligations, this won't prevent you from having a particularly active social life.

The sometimes very deep discussions you'll have with loved ones or other people you know socially will help you refine your vision of the world and explore new avenues for reflection. In any case, you have never been the type to leave your certainties unquestioned for too long. More power to you!

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A first two weeks under the influence of Mars

The presence of Mars in the Aries astral sky indicates that you'll be in the right frame of mind this month. More than ever, you seem to be aware of the goals you would like to achieve and the route you need to follow to get there.

Your fighting spirit is your greatest asset in this respect. It will help you stay on course and never give up during even the most violent storms. When you have an idea in mind, it is difficult to get you to change it. Let anyone who wants to throw a wrench in your works beware!

Although your career won't be left out, you'll be most willing to use your energy in your love life. You are made of flesh and blood so of course you expect to enjoy all the pleasures that life has to offer you.

Mid-August is all about love

Are you currently in a serious relationship? This August 15 may well be a trigger for you. Somewhat frustrated by the routine you feel has gradually settled into your relationship you'll try everything you can to bring a breath of fresh air to your life together. Your partner will have no difficulty following suit.

Are you single? The summer atmosphere will be particularly conducive to surprises and meetings. If you can step out of your comfort zone, you'll give yourself the opportunity to cross paths with a mysterious stranger. Things are looking good.

Full moon of August 08

In my opinion, the meaning of this full moon is clear. Although you will obviously seek the advice of your loved ones if the situation requires it, it is you and you alone who will find the answers to the questions that have been nagging you for some time. To feel comfortable in your daily life, you need to feel free. In August, this will be an urgent need. Remember, however, that your actions can directly impact the lives of those around you.

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A second two weeks to put your action in perspective

The passage of Mercury in your astral sky in the second part of the month should give you some hindsight on your recent decisions and insight into your current situation. While the energy that's filled you recently has helped you move some things on, it has also forced you into action.

It is therefore essential that you take some time for yourself now so you can get a better understanding of your current challenges and be ready to face the future.

Your keen intelligence and some advice from your loved ones will be valuable assets in this. Thanks to this support you should be able to make the transition without too much difficulty.

September is already on the horizon

As summer draws to a close, you'll be able to count on your planning skills to be ready to face the fall. Under the influence of the Moon, your sensitivity will probably be increased tenfold.

You can look forward to this increased emotivity, as it will give you the opportunity to instinctively understand the challenges ahead. Once you know exactly what you want, all you have to do is make the right decisions. Given your Aries character, there's no way you're wasting your time looking back.

New moon of August 23

This new moon will further boost your motivation and encourage you to move your plans forward as quickly as possible. You're not into procrastination right now! You have a clear idea of the life you dream of living and intend to use all your energy towards achieving it. Your generosity, loyalty and honesty will allow you to count on the support of your loved ones. You seem to have all the ingredients you need.

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What to remember in August

In view of the presence of the Moon, Mercury and Mars in the Aries astral sky, August may well lead you to flourish more than usual. Your sense of duty and motivation to move forward will be remarkably intense in the coming weeks, which will obviously help you to become fully involved in the projects that matter to you.

And you won't be tempted to rush headlong into battle, without taking the time to think about the potential consequences of your decisions. Your ability to take a step back from the problems you will encounter and your planning skills are important assets.

Thanks to them, you can think serenely about your future which promises to be full of joy.

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