Monthly Horoscope for August 2024

In view of your astral conjunction, you will certainly be interested in change, development and temporality in the coming weeks. During August it's likely a number of questions will cross your mind and you won't always be able to find immediate answers to them.

Crossed by the Sun, Saturn and Pluto, your astral sky clearly highlights your deep desire to shape a daily life that reflects your desires and your values. It also highlights a sincere desire to question some of those desires, values and habits which you think have a tendency to hold you back.

Like many Cancers, you have always believed that a person's fulfillment comes from their ability to perceive the world and the challenges it offers in a more original way. Given your current conjunction you'll need to be a little patient before you can hope to live the life of your dreams.


An ideal first two weeks to recharge your batteries

It is well known, summer is synonymous with relaxing, sharing and generally doing nothing! In the first half of August, you will take advantage of the good weather to take stock of your situation, and perhaps distance yourself a little from some of the many responsibilities you have.

You will reason that in order to feel serene when you contemplate your future you need clarity. And to achieve that a little focus seems necessary. By taking the time to have an honest look at the reality of your emotional, financial and professional situation, you will soon realize that there are many avenues for improvement available to you.

To accept change more openly, you'll be ready to explore previously unknown paths. A little bit of something new never hurt anyone!

Are you feeling some doubt?

The meeting of Saturn and Pluto is interesting, since it highlights two perfectly opposing states of mind. While the first of these planets extols the benefits of patience and self-sacrifice, the second emphasizes the importance of early decision making and action.

In the first half of August, you may find it difficult to cope with these two opposite energies and separate what's important from what's not. Why not seek the advice of your loved ones to try to get a clearer picture? You may find what they have to say helpful.

New moon of August 04

In August, the new moon encourages you to step off the beaten track and become aware how routine can be a little paralyzing. To be able to fully exploit your potential, you need to be confronted as regularly as possible with new situations and unexpected environments. Under the influence of the Moon, your thirst for discovery will reach record levels. Don't be afraid to take the plunge!


A second two weeks that favors relaxing

Although you probably won't realize it immediately, this second half of the month will be an important step in the process of personal development that has been occupying your mind for some time. After the doubts at the beginning of August, it's time for clarity and optimism!

If you can be honest with yourself about your needs, it will soon become clear to you how life always unfolds over time. Despite the small changes you may be able to initiate now, it is in the long-term that you will choose to deploy your action. In fact, under the influence of Saturn, new long-term projects are likely to emerge.

They will allow you to consider your future even more serenely. There's no rush for you to act. Lots of small jumps are better than one giant leap, anyway.

Your love life helps you unwind

Of course, your love life will not be left out in August. Surprisingly, the doubts you've felt have actually helped strengthen the bonds that unite you with your long-term partner. And this is good because sharing, communication and respect are the strongest foundations for any lasting love story.

If you're single, a great love may not be for the immediate future. Consider how you could benefit from being single, for example by getting more involved in activities that are important to you.

Full moon of August 19

By strengthening your relationship needs, this full moon is ideal if you want to enjoy special moments with the people you care about. When you're with them you'll feel full of good humor and the pleasure of sharing, especially since summer has always been particularly conducive for these things. Enjoying these basic human needs will give you the strength to calmly face the coming fall season.

What to remember in August

What can you expect from August? An awareness, an internal conflict — of moderate intensity — followed by a revolution. Centered around the Sun, Saturn and Pluto, the Cancer astral sky highlights the difficulties you will initially have in thinking serenely about the rest of this year.

Although you will probably feel the need to change certain aspects of your daily life, the fear of change is likely to take precedence at times. Fortunately, you will soon realize that you are not currently in a hurry to act and that the most judicious decisions are always made over a long period of time.

Paradoxically, it is by taking the time to shape your strategy step by step that your life project will move forward the fastest.

Cancer compatibility

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