Monthly Horoscope for August 2025

Governed by the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, the Gemini astral conjunction bodes well for great surprises this August. The sunny days are obviously perfect for you! In your professional life as well as in your private sphere, you'll soon feel the wind of change blowing you along. It will take you to beautiful lands that you didn't know existed.

Do you find that your daily routine is no longer truly satisfying and that you would like to change some things? The current context seems particularly conducive to your personal growth. In the coming weeks, you won't want to rush your decisions. Instead, you will take time to look at all aspects of your situation and think about the solutions available to improve them.

Since you will manage to be honest about yourself and your needs you should find a path that will perfectly reflect your expectations. So you can look forward to your immediate future with serenity.

Would you like to find out what might be changing in your life?

Yes No

A first two weeks under the influence of the Sun

In this first part of August, your well-being will be uppermost in your mind. Out of modesty, lack of time or fatigue, in recent months you may have tended to neglect it more than is good for you, focusing almost exclusively on making sure your loved ones are happy and fulfilled. From today, it will be about you!

In my view, this will to assert yourself is a sign that you are concerned about your future. It will eventually allow you to define your real needs more precisely and put your finger on exactly which parts of your daily life you no longer find fulfilling. So don't feel guilty about questioning some of the foundations you have built your life on.

Just remember one thing, when it comes to personal growth, sincerity is always required. Do you feel ready to make the necessary decisions and get started?

Your love life occupies your mind

Now the summer is well established, in the first two weeks of August you'll seek to improve your love life. Whether you are currently in a relationship or still looking for love, the first thing you'll need to do is give yourself some distance so you can properly understand the challenges you are currently facing.

The idea here is not to destroy everything you've built but to take a long hard, honest look at your current situation.

Full moon of August 08

In August the full moon will offer you a unique opportunity to become more aware of your intrinsic qualities. Thanks to this, the doubts you often feel will be nothing but bad memories. You have so many resources and will use them skillfully in the hope of advancing your projects. It looks like the coming weeks are going to be exciting.

Are you still asking yourself questions about your future?

Yes No

A second two weeks that is about change

The passage of Uranus in the Gemini astral sky indicates that the thinking you'll have done in the first two weeks of August will begin to bear fruit in the second two weeks.

More than ever, you will have your eyes fixed on the future. You want your life to reflect your values so if necessary you'll be willing to take some important decisions and make some changes, even if they do surprise the people who surround you.

Nevertheless, take time to listen to their feedback. It may help you adjust your position. Remember that the quality of your daily life can also depend on listening to the advice you are given. So don't stick to your guns just because.

A promising fall

Fall is just around the corner. This year, you don't have to wait until the New Year to make good resolutions! By the end of August, you will feel like you are beginning a new chapter in your life, which you hope will be even more joyful than the previous one.

The enthusiasm you will feel is proof that the path you are going down is the right one for you. It will allow you to enter a truly positive spiral. The coming weeks will therefore be a major source of fulfillment for you.

New moon of August 23

This August’s new moon will encourage you to take a step back from your current situation and the challenges it poses for you. By being honest with yourself, you will be able to fine tune your strategy and redefine your roadmap. There is every reason to believe that this can only be beneficial for you. Make the most of it.

Do you have questions about your future?

About your love life, your career or your future spiritual growth?

Yes No

What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in August

In view of the #sign astral conjunction, it looks like August will be the beginning of a new chapter in your life. By becoming aware of the goals that are your real objectives and of the many resources you have to help you achieve them, in the coming weeks you'll be better equipped than ever to face the challenges that life always has to offer.

To ensure that the decisions you make are sustainable in the long-term you'll first make an honest analysis of your current situation, so you can pinpoint the areas that could be improved.

When you have a clearer idea of your needs, action can follow. You can be excited about your future, which promises to be happy. Congratulations!

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