Compatibility Libra and Libra


Love compatibility of Libra with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

From the beginning of their relationship, two Libras form a fusional couple. They have a lot in common and love the same things. These air signs are very focused on everything related to beauty and art and seek above all to lead a very comfortable life. Libras are always motivated by a desire to please, and what they hate most in the world is feeling rejected. They both feel a real need for harmony in their lives and try very hard to avoid conflict and violence of any sort.

At first glance, two Libras complement each other very well; but things may be different in the long run. By making too many compromises, always trying to please their partner and always being too diplomatic they both end up not saying what they really think. These unspoken thoughts can turn to resentment and end up creating an unhealthy atmosphere.

In short, too much kindness and the desire not to upset their partner can totally paralyze their relationship. Libra is not known for their leadership skills but in this case one of them will have to take the bull by the horns and confess what they really feel in order to break the deadlock.

Given that Libra tends to idealize love it is unlikely they will throw in the towel very easily. They also know how to compromise and fight for what is important to them.


charm, harmony, beauty


silence, engagement, hesitation

Communication and emotion between Libra and Libra

Communication between two Libras flows so easily and they have so much to tell each other that it seems to be endless. Libras love chitchat and gossiping about a whole heap of people, except themselves. In fact, if these two start talking about each other's faults there is a good risk the atmosphere will turn sour. It should be known that Libra are incredibly sensitive and particularly so when it comes to their faults. Now these two already find it quite difficult to accept each other as they are, so if they begin to judge each other their self-esteem could end up severely damaged.

When it comes to emotions Libras can appear rigid as they tend to rationalize everything, to the point where you might think them incapable of really falling in love or of being able to express any feelings. Libras hate the idea of losing control so much that they will repress their emotions and only focus on the intellectual side of their relationship.

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Trust between Libra and Libra

In general, Libras are not always aware of the trust problems they experience. They only really realize it when they share their life with another Libra because then they are looking at their twin. When this happens, the worry that goes with their chronic indecision is much more obvious than when they are with another sign. A bit of doubt about whether the outfit you have chosen really looks good is one thing, but constant doubt that you have chosen the right partner is much more problematic and hurtful for your partner!

So, trust is therefore a very difficult subject for a pair of Libras, especially as they both have a serious need to seduce others in order to reassure themselves they are attractive. Since they are already a couple who can't always be frank with each other for fear of hurting their partner's feelings, Libras often face serious misunderstandings.

Intimacy and sexuality of Libra with Libra

In bed, as in all areas of their lives, Libras enjoy romance and moderation. In other words, these two will never be lit by burning passion under the sheets. Everything must be done with respect for their partner and without pushing their limits. These air signs have the advantage of finding it easy to communicate with each other so are not frightened to say what pleases them and what doesn't. As a result, their sex lives are usually mutually satisfying, and this helps to strengthen their relationship in the long term.

Generally, the problem that Libras may encounter is their lack of initiative and their fear of feeling judged. On the other hand, as these two understand each other well, they know how to please their partner and have no problem discussing what works in bed and what doesn't.

Compatibility in love

A Libra man with a Libra woman: from the outside, Mr and Miss Libra are the image of a successful couple. They have the same values and tastes, always look after their appearance and enjoy living in a home with a harmonious atmosphere. These partners know how to compromise, are tolerant and do everything they can to avoid harming each other. And this is where their main problem lies, Mr and Miss Libra never dare to criticize each other or be honest about what is not working in their couple. By dint of trying too hard not to upset their partner they end up losing spontaneity and avoid talking about subjects that annoy them. Mr and Miss Libra are also both flirts and even though they are very understanding of this habit it will eventually cause jealousy that can harm their couple.

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Compatibility at work of Libra with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Libra can only give the best of themselves when they feel confident and well surrounded with competent colleagues. When they work with another air sign the mood is usually stress free and balanced. And when two Libras work on the same project their partnership works very well most of the time.

Two Libras have the same meticulous approach to work and a similar need for harmony. They have almost the same way of working so don't need to consult with each other all the time and find it simple to come to an agreement about things. There are no communication or organization problems for these two air signs, making their partnership effective. In addition, it should not be forgotten that both these Libras are natural diplomats. So they'll know how to be tactful when transferring information needed to achieve their objectives.

Libras are also creative, so no matter what problems they encounter they will be able to find ways to solve them. The catch is the difficulty they have in making clear-cut choices, so they may spend a lot of time weighing the pros and cons in order to choose the best option. One thing is certain, Libras never impose anything, they believe in negotiating so that everyone is satisfied with the result. If the two Libras are colleagues, they will work very well together. If one of the Libras manages the other the boss will have complete confidence in their team member, to the point of giving them carte blanche to fulfill their tasks in the way that seems best.


understanding, communication, diplomacy


hesitation, doubt, the unspoken


Compatibility in friendship of Libra with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

When two Libras become friends the relationship should be very pleasant. Their bond is full of affection, but they don't try to stifle each other. Although attachment is important to these two, what is even more important is wisdom, thought and tact. Libras are understanding, loyal and tolerant. They can enjoy putting the world to rights as much as having a deep intellectual discussion. Sometimes they even call each other when they don't really have much to talk about. Their favorite activity is to philosophize together with the utmost respect.

They are never bored when they are together, and disagreements are rare. When there are misunderstandings within a pair of Libras, they are quickly explained so as not to let the conflict escalate. Libras are mostly smart enough not to get into silly arguments and pointless fights. They have better things to do than waste their energy on that.

Libras often have several friends in common, but neither is jealous about that. These two are not competitive with each other at all; both are free to do what they like without any fear of rejection. The only clouds on the horizon in this friendship will be their constant indecision and a lack of dynamism that can sometimes paralyze it. The ideal would be for these Libras to be part of a group of more passionate and energetic friends as this will encourage the Libras to be more like them.


chatter, communication, loyalty


misunderstandings, procrastination, laziness


Compatibility in the family of Libra with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At the family level in the broad sense, a relationship between two Libras works quite well because they each offer the other what they need. These air signs don't find it too difficult to understand each other. In fact, their whole relationship is based on good communication, which is also their miracle recipe for achieving the support and harmony that is so important to them. Libras naturally avoid conflict, so are ready to make compromises and reach agreements in order to preserve peace in their homes. Knowing that the family has a very important place in their lives, they will do everything to find common ground.

When it comes to marriage everything will be perfect for at least the first few months when the marriage is still shiny, rose colored and new. Libras are blown along by their romantic feelings and dream of an ideal future. However, when the initial euphoria subsides and they become aware of the rules and responsibilities of everyday life, they will feel a bit of a cold shower. There can be a long debate between two Libras as to who runs the household and who gets projects going. Their problem is that neither really wants to risk being the one in charge of their couple for fear of making bad choices in the future.


understanding, dialogue, respect


responsibilities, duties, choices

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