Compatibility Libra and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Libra with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

It is generally said that air fuels fire and this is what happens when Libra and Sagittarius get together. They seem totally different but complement each other wonderfully. Libra is a gentle being who seeks beauty everywhere and cultivates harmony in all circumstances. On the other hand, Sagittarius is a bold, spirited character, full of passion and totally extroverted. It would be easy to jump to the conclusion that they have nothing in common and yet, this is a couple that has every chance of working in the long run.

In fact, Libra and Sagittarius have more in common than you might think. They are both champions of communication and their outgoing attitude makes it very easy for them to make new acquaintances. Moreover, these two signs both like to have a fairly intense social life. Their sense of justice is also very well-developed, even if they express it in different ways.

Libra and Sagittarius both have an immense need for giving and receiving tenderness, and need a daily dose to feel good in their couple. These two signs are not possessive, and each knows how to respect their other half's living space simply because they themselves do not like to feel invaded by the person who shares their life.

Over time, they end up rubbing along well together. Sagittarius will become more diplomatic and temper their impulsiveness, while Libra will become a little more daring and spontaneous.


togetherness, communication, tenderness


indecision, criticism, doubt

Communication and emotion between Libra and Sagittarius

The bonds between Libra and Sagittarius are quite tight but they give each other enough freedom not to feel suffocated in their relationship. These two signs are born communicators. It is for this reason that they find it easy to discuss things and the idea of talking about their feelings doesn't bother them too much. Libra is a romantic, open and elegant being who appreciates Sagittarius' lightness and legendary sense of humor. If there is one sign fire that does not take themselves seriously, it is Sagittarius!

When it comes to emotions, Sagittarius can find Libra's mood swings and chronic indecision frustrating. Indeed, the air sign is always afraid of making the wrong choice and constantly questioning how they feel and what they plan for the future. Fortunately, Libra's wisdom usually ends up rubbing off on Sagittarius and calming them down. The major advantage in this couple is that they grow emotionally at the same pace, which is probably why their love story can last for a long time.

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Trust between Libra and Sagittarius

The only cloud on the horizon for this well-matched couple is trust. Libra is a natural flirt, but it's not really because they want to conquer, it's more to do with their serious lack of self-confidence. Libra has a constant need to prove to themselves that everyone loves and admires them and has a hard time accepting that someone may not.

Sagittarius is a very independent sign. They do not like to feel tied down in any way and it is not uncommon that they allow themselves to stray. In short, in this partnership, trust is difficult to establish and maintain. With Libra and Sagittarius, everything depends on how committed they are; if they feel that history can take them far enough without depriving them of their freedom, they will make the effort to remain faithful to each other.

Intimacy and sexuality of Libra with Sagittarius

In general Libra and Sagittarius get along very well under the covers! They have a well-balanced sex life, even if they do have very different characters. Libra loves to seduce, and it is very important for them to satisfy their partner. In bed, Sagittarius is bolder than Libra and can be a little selfish. In fact, it can happen that the fire sign thinks of their own pleasure before they think about their partner's, but this doesn't seem to upset Libra too much.

Libra and Sagittarius are fond of playing games, and these two creative beings have absolutely no lack of imagination when it comes to spending time in bed together. In their relationship, there is not one who leads and one who follows, everything is about sharing. They like to listen to their moods and never hesitate to try something new.

Compatibility in love

A Libra man with a Sagittarius woman: this is a fairly harmonious couple because they understand each other easily. Miss Sagittarius and Mr Libra always support each other and their projects. Mr Libra finds it hard to commit and make great declarations, so he appreciates Miss Sagittarius taking the first steps. Mr Libra and Miss Sagittarius both love to seduce, him because he can't help it and her because she likes to play, so there will still be an omnipresent possibility of them shattering the balance in their relationship.

A Libra woman with a Sagittarius man: this is a relationship that is likely to last a long time. Miss Libra and Mr Sagittarius are both natural flirts who love a hectic social life. Their relationship is based on a lot of tolerance; they give each other the freedom they need without either complaining that their partner spends too much time away from home. Mr Sagittarius does not impose any constraints on Miss Libra and offers her the support she needs so she can flourish and make a success of her projects.

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Compatibility at work of Libra with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

As in most areas of their life, Libra needs to feel reassured and surrounded by people they trust in order to reach their full potential at work. When Libra has to work with fire signs things usually go well because they are a good counterbalance to Libra's indecisiveness. Fire signs offer the responsiveness that Libra lacks. At work, Sagittarius is a real free electron. As long as they are allowed to work as best suits them, they are cheerful. Sagittarius generally gets along well with air signs because of their combative side and sense of action.

Together, Libra and Sagittarius form a great team, they are both curious, open and communicative. This partnership is not afraid to explore new and unknown paths. In addition, these two signs stimulate each other to develop their business. They both like to work in a profession where they feel useful. Anything related to helping people in general suits them very well because it calls out to their altruistic natures. Libra and Sagittarius also work very well in creative fields.

Most of the time, they get along very well together but there can be some friction if Libra's sensitivity surfaces or if Sagittarius becomes over enthusiastic or hard to follow. If Sagittarius is the boss, Libra enjoys working with the fire sign because they allow Libra to express their point of view. If Libra is the boss, they will give Sagittarius the green light to do their job as they see fit and Sagittarius never disappoints.


communication, motivation, responsiveness


sensitivity, indecision, incoherence


Compatibility in friendship of Libra with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

When Libra and Sagittarius become friends they both flourish, making this relationship a great success. They always encourage each other in their projects and in their desire for discovery and adventure. These two signs love to travel and meet other cultures, they are real globetrotters. When you see them together it is easy to see that their friendship is solid and sincere. They always look out for each other and are ready to help each other anytime, anywhere.

Libra and Sagittarius both enjoy intellectual debates and even if they do not always agree, they don't hold grudges. What they particularly like about their bond is that each respects the other's living space because there is nothing worse for Libra or Sagittarius than feeling invaded.

This relationship is beneficial for both of these signs because Libra manages to temper the fiery and sometimes thoughtless side of Sagittarius, while the fire sign can teach hesitant Libra to take the initiative more. These signs often have hobbies in common and neither likes to stay still for too long. Libra and Sagittarius are not homebodies and are always looking for new things to try. In short, they rarely sit around with a cup of coffee talking about the weather, they want action!


adventure, discovery, respect


hesitation, boredom, haste


Compatibility in the family of Libra with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

There's always a current between Libra and Sagittarius. The air sign admires the fire sign's passionate, optimistic and energetic side. It is not uncommon for Libra to see Sagittarius as a mentor. They are always very happy to see each other at family gatherings as they find it easy to communicate and understand each other. When it comes to marriage, their couple seems invincible, and they overcome obstacles with disconcerting ease. It seems that nothing can scare them so long as they are united.

In many couples, money is a bone of contention but with them, it doesn't matter who earns the most. The main thing for them is that they can enjoy material and emotional comfort. Libra and Sagittarius are both more like cicadas than ants, they will spend every penny they have if it makes them happy, that's all that matters. They are very sociable, have many friends and often go on trips. Sometimes Sagittarius can be very critical of sensitive Libra, which will obviously cause conflict, but it never lasts very long. And neither of them is a sulker.


travel, pleasure, communication


criticism, hesitation, vulnerability

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