Compatibility Aries and Libra


Love compatibility of Aries with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

In love, the link between Aries and Libra is fragile but still possible. At the beginning of their relationship, they feel a great attraction to each other because both these signs like to please and be pleased. It's almost magnetic, they can't help but notice and be attracted to each other. Aries is overwhelmed by the natural sensuality of Libra and the latter is fascinated by Aries' aura of charm. When they're together, they feel good.

However, euphoria and passionate feelings fade as time passes, and then things risk becoming complicated because Aries' natural character quickly asserts itself. Aries' irrepressible need to be demanding and try to tell Libra what to do will inevitably create conflict. In effect, Aries always wants to be in control, whereas Libra believes in a partnership where harmony and equality reign.

The fire sign finds Libra devoid of spontaneity and passion and Aries' lack of tact can be wounding. For their part, Libra doesn't want to play Aries' games and isn't interested in sacrificing stability for endless action. In this situation the relationship can be precarious unless both Aries and Libra are prepared to make concessions.

If Libra can shake off some of their seriousness and indecision and Aries makes the effort to be more restrained and think before acting, an alliance between them is quite possible.


admiration, attraction, passion


obedience, inequality, abruptness

Communication and emotion between Aries and Libra

As much as Aries and Libra are attracted on the physical level, they have a lot of problems with simple communication. Aries often tends to get carried away and can provoke disputes just to feel alive, while Libra hates fights and flees conflict like the plague. In addition, Aries regularly needs to raise Libra's morale by reminding them of their numerous qualities. At the same time, Libra helps Aries to meet their daily responsibilities and set goals that don't disperse their energies for nothing. In short, it is a relationship that requires a lot of energy and goodwill to make it work because they have little in common unless they are laboring for a joint project.

On the other hand, when it comes to emotions, they understand each other perfectly. Aries can help Libra lower their defenses and open up, while Libra instinctively understands how Aries' works. They therefore have a deep emotional bond that can help them overcome a lot of difficulties.

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Trust between Aries and Libra

Trust is a thorny subject between Aries and Libra. The air sign already has a cruel lack of self-confidence and has a general sense of insecurity with which they struggle constantly. In order to remedy this defect, Libra enjoys new contacts and lots of friendships, to try to increase their self-esteem and feel appreciated. They need to feel loved and valued by others. Aries also likes to be admired, but just does not understand this behavior, which also exacerbates their natural jealousy.

If their generally bad communication is added to this, Libra often gets the wrong idea about Aries' intentions because they don't talk much about their everyday life, make decisions on a whim and can disappear just as quickly. In short, this is the sort of behavior that has Libra going gray with worry and imagining a whole bunch of different things about Aries' true intentions and activities.

Intimacy and sexuality of Aries with Libra

Mars and Venus are the planets that govern Aries and Libra respectively. This obviously has an impact on their sex life. Aries is a naturally passionate conqueror, while Libra is interested in romance and voluptuous pleasure. Of course, there is an undeniable attraction between them but even though opposites do attract the roles of dominant and dominated can end up being unsatisfactory for both partners.

Their main problem is their lack of understanding and respect for the other's limits. If they can come to an agreement about this, they can have a satisfying sex life. In this context, Aries can give Libra the energy and confidence they lack. And Libra can show Aries how to be more attentive to their partner, learning to be more sensitive and satisfying their partner's desires as well as their own.

Compatibility in love

An Aries man with a Libra woman: sparks should be expected between Mr Aries and Miss Libra, as their characters are so different. A Libra woman's lack of decisiveness and constant hesitation really annoys an Aries man. However, as Miss Libra also hates conflict, she will do everything possible to defuse the fireworks she has lit! As a result, she is far too conciliatory and lets herself be over influenced by an Aries who will assume she has no will of her own. Despite this, Mr Aries sees Miss Libra as the perfect wife and mother of his family; someone who will bring him the comfort and emotional stability of a cozy home.

An Aries woman with a Libra man: between these two, life can often be eventful because Mr Libra is not very decisive, and Miss Aries is an impulsive woman who acts first and thinks afterwards. Given these characteristics, in short, criticism and arguments flow from both sides. In addition, Mr Libra is possessive and does not tolerate Miss Aries acting independently, as if she does not have as much right to use her freedom as he does. Despite their many differences, they know each other so well that they can guess what the other feels without needing to talk.

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Compatibility at work of Aries with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At work, Aries and Libra form a duo that functions extremely well. Aries is a motor for Libra, who in return manages to channel the fire sign's energy, which they can tend to want to disperse all over the place. That said, both of them are particular about their jobs and thanks to their characteristic diplomacy Libra can tolerate Aries' impulsiveness and smooth out any difficulties.

There is a real interdependence between these two signs; the air sign stimulates the fire to give the best of itself and the fire sign warms the air to improve the atmosphere. Once Aries and Libra have understood the value and importance of their team, they can get along and deliver very good results. The most successful association is undoubtedly with Aries in the role of boss and Libra as a colleague or assistant. In these functions, everyone gets what they want: leadership and obedience for Aries; organization, task execution, human relationships and diplomacy for Libra.

If things are reversed, Libra is much stricter because they are aware they cannot be lax when they are in a position of responsibility. And in addition, they need to be constantly on guard because they know Aries' really wants their position. However, Libra allows Aries complete autonomy, so long as the company's rules are followed to the letter.


interaction, respect, diplomacy


competition, overflow, indecision


Compatibility in friendship of Aries with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Opposites are supposed to attract but what can work in love and at work is not necessarily valid for friends. In this situation, Aries and Libra cannot depend on bed or a joint project to reconcile their differences. Because they have little in common and communication is complicated, friendship is too.

Aries has few real friends while Libra makes contacts everywhere, is even tempered and knows how to create a pleasant atmosphere wherever they go They always want things to be pleasant and as light as possible. They are unlikely to throw hissy fits like Aries and do not appreciate negative attention. And given that Aries can get carried away at any time and in any place, this does not really fit with Libra's idea of a harmonious friendship.

However, when their friendship does work it is often the ambitious Aries who arranges their meetings and takes care of everything. They usually chose the time and place that suits them, because they know how indecisive Libra is.
Despite that, Libra plays an important role for Aries as they bring balance to an otherwise chaotic life. Aries does not always realize how restless their life is and that, like everyone else, they need to slow down from time to time to take a break and take stock of their life. This is something for which Aries thanks Libra because without Libra's constant search for balance Aries would never stop their mad race forward. On their side, Aries likes to push Libra into action, which is a good exchange.


balance, stimulation, exchange


communication, crisis, inconsistency


Compatibility in the family of Aries with Libra

In one word
Degree of Affinity

At the family level, if there is one thing that brings Aries and Libra together, it is that neither one is a homebody, they both need to interact with the outside world. Aries enjoys spending time with their family but in small doses. And, just like Libra, they prefer investing in their couple and becoming emotionally detached from their family. These two have a lot of affinities but nothing is fixed, the atmosphere will always be wavering between passion and misunderstanding, togetherness and conflict, amity and jealousy. The relationship between Aries and Libra can be pleasant but requires a lot of regular adjustments and effort to achieve a balance.

A union between Aries and Libra is more likely to work later, when the passion of youth is finally tempered, when both have acquired experience, wisdom and better self-knowledge. As they get older Aries gets wiser; they understand that selfishness, recklessness and stubbornness lead nowhere. For their part, Libra comes to accept that existence does not follow a strict order, and finally accepts that their partner is their own person, with all their qualities and faults. Thanks to this balance, their union can last for many years.


understanding, compromise, similarities


impulsiveness, jealousy, passivity

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