Compatibility Sagittarius and Sagittarius


Love compatibility of Sagittarius with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A union between two Sagittarius is possible but it will fluctuate wildly over the long term. Both of them like to always be on the move, never sitting still, always looking for an adventure, be it physical or spiritual. Their way of life is not very compatible with the desire to found a solid home or create the sort of intimacy that makes them psychologically close. Their sex lives are not the most important thing to them, even if they do get along well in this area.

In fact, as long as they don't have to get too emotionally involved or committed, they are quite happy. Within this dynamic couple, each respects the other's freedom. Sagittarius are not bothered if each partner wants to do their own thing. That said, by giving each other so much space to breathe, they can easily end up on separate paths.

These fire signs are optimistic by nature and make sure to communicate as much as they can to maintain a good understanding. On the other hand, there is no point ignoring the fact that they are often irresponsible in their everyday lives.

When a problem arises, often financial for them, they prefer to ignore it for as long as they can, even to the point of it becoming insurmountable. It's true that Sagittarius does not like responsibility and will always delegate the resolution of a problem to someone else rather than face it themselves.


adventure, discovery, optimism


independence, commitment, responsibility

Communication and emotion between Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarius often have enough in common to get along well; they are both willing and very focused on the outside world. One advantage for them is that they are both open to dialogue, which can help them grow their relationship, as well as save it when there is a problem. Patience is not one of their great qualities and they may quickly get angry with each other for their shortcomings. Sagittarius is good at being enveloping and protective of others, but ironically, they hate being protected.

This may complicate things in this relationship! In addition they both hate responsibility and tensions are likely to surface when big decisions have to be taken. Sagittarius are certainly less dominant than Leo or Aries, but the fact remains that they hate submitting to any authority. Often, it is their optimism and good humor that saves them from all the obstacles that come their way.

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Trust between Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Sagittarius find trust a very thorny subject. Sagittarius does not know how to lie, they are a very honest sign, perhaps even too much so. They seem to be lacking a filter so will plainly say things that others would keep quiet so as not to cause pain. This fire sign is not always a model of fidelity. Sagittarius likes to charm, seduce and make others laugh, in short, they love meeting new people.

They are always more interested in strangers than those who are already part of their lives. And commitment is not a big strength because independence is so important to them. Too much eagerness can make them want to run away as fast as they can in case someone wants to tie them down. They are actually capable of deliberately having an affair in order to get out of a relationship that they think is becoming too serious.

Intimacy and sexuality of Sagittarius with Sagittarius

Two Sagittarius can have a great sex life so long as there is no question of commitment or serious feelings. Freedom is ultra-important for these fire signs and as soon as they feel tied down the relationship is spoiled for them. What's more, they love fun in the bedroom and a fulfilling sex life so long as it is clear there is no question of them making promises about forever. Together they are on the same wavelength, they love physical pleasure and are quite creative in this area. Besides, they hate routine because it leads to boredom.

Sagittarius are always ready to try new experiences and as they do not lack imagination, they often inspire each other. However, not everything in the garden is rosy as Sagittarius has a tendency to take more than they give. Thus, two Sagittarius together will inevitably face frustrations, and this is without considering the risks of betrayal that are common for this sign.

Compatibility in love

A Sagittarius man with a Sagittarius woman: both Mr and Miss Sagittarius love change so much they want their whole lives to be an adventure. When two Sagittarius are together, there's not much chance their life will be monotonous. And because both Mr and Miss Sagittarius are very attached to their freedom, they cannot imagine being a couple without each person being able to maintain their independence. This obviously leaves them with the risk that one or the other will decide to have a little affair on the side. However, when Mr and Miss Sagittarius are certain they are with the right person they tend to stop going off to see if the grass is greener elsewhere.

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Compatibility at work of Sagittarius with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Generally speaking, Sagittarius leads their whole life with the desire to be free and their work life is no exception to this rule. This fire sign feels the most fulfilled at work when they are free to carry out their tasks as they see fit. Sagittarius is always very optimistic, makes a point of motivating their colleagues and tries to create a pleasant working atmosphere. Sagittarius usually makes a good team with other fire signs. So when two Sagittarius work together nothing can stop them on the path to success.

A pair of Sagittarius work like a well-oiled machine. They are so similar that it is very easy for them to pool their strengths and work effectively. One thing is for sure, they hate routine. As long as they can keep moving, find out new things or randomly share something new during a meeting with clients, they are delighted! You will rarely find a pair of Sagittarius stuck in an office all day long. They need space and to communicate with the world, which is probably why they are often found in professions that are public facing. Sagittarius are creative and ambitious and they are able to carry very big projects, although their rush can sometimes lead them to make mistakes. That said, since they are very lucky, they often manage to fix things quite easily.

If one Sagittarius is managed by the other, they will usually cope well with their fate as long as the boss leaves them enough freedom. A Sagittarius manager is generally satisfied with the results of their Sagittarius employee and trusts them.


optimism, independence, efficiency


frankness, responsibility, routine


Compatibility in friendship of Sagittarius with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

A friendship between two Sagittarius is generally beautiful and solid. They are ambitious, solar and optimistic beings, so they understand each other, enjoy spending time together and respect each other's desire for independence.
Sagittarius loves getting to know other people and they are curious and funny with good communication skills, all of which make them irresistible to others. This fire sign is dynamic and adventurous, they always have a project on the go, a travel plan or a journey of discovery to satisfy.

Introverts find it hard to be with Sagittarius because they are always on the move, jumping from one thing to the next, interested in everything and nothing. To understand a Sagittarius, you have to be one yourself. Therefore, a pair of Sagittarius has every chance of having a good friendship because they are so alike. They are non-stop adventurers, are always ready to go on an expedition, to learn new things or to explore other cultures.

Sagittarius tend to have a lot of friends, even if not as many as Gemini, but what is certain is that they always try to give people they don't know a chance. Two Sagittarius friends are very frank with each other, so frank they can be quite brutal. But one thing is certain, they can't lie to each other, it will always be found out. When they argue, they don't stay angry for long because they both hate sulkers. Therefore, a friendship between two Sagittarius can last a lifetime if they look after it carefully.


understanding, carelessness, humor


frankness, harshness, moralizing


Compatibility in the family of Sagittarius with Sagittarius

In one word
Degree of Affinity

Within the family relationships between two Sagittarius should be fine until they are asked to take responsibility for something. When this happens, they are likely to run in the opposite direction. If there are two Sagittarius under the same roof, rather than dealing with the problem they are likely to pass it from one to the other like a hot potato. And the part of each one that loves moralizing and lecturing is likely to annoy the other. They also love to tease, although this is usually in good faith.

When it comes to marriage, things can get more complicated because Sagittarius is scared of long-term relationships. They don't much like the idea of commitment and even less the idea of becoming tied down to a relationship that might suffocate them. And given that loyalty is a notion that often leaves something to be desired in a Sagittarius, a long-term investment like marriage seems like a stretch for the youngsters among them. When Sagittarius gets older, they come to appreciate stability a bit more and are then ready to make compromises that were not possible when they were young. That said, when they have to make a choice a pair of Sagittarius will always want to party with friends or go on a trip rather than stay home and cook.


adventure, carelessness, freedom


fidelity, commitment, compromise

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