dynamism, adventure, joy
Since Aries and Sagittarius are both fire signs, their relationship will be dynamic and full of life. Together, they'll have great projects, perhaps dreaming of traveling and going on an adventure.
What is wonderful between these two signs is that they don't impose limits on themselves, they are endowed with such determined spirits that failure is not a word in their vocabulary. To keep a good dynamic in their relationship they'll need to put common interests before personal ones, which means learning to compromise!
In love, Aries and Sagittarius quickly trust each other, they are both naturally sincere. Although they are not great role models of mutual loyalty, if they are in love, they will then engage in a healthy relationship free of false pretenses and manipulations.
In order for their relationship to last, they must above all avoid situations of rivalry. The ideal would be for Aries to learn to ignore their legendary jealousy and understand Sagittarius' visceral need for independence. The advantage these two have is that Sagittarius knows how to reassure Aries like no one else, their frankness makes the couple very solid.
dynamism, adventure, joy
jealousy, independence, competition
It happens that Aries and Sagittarius do not always agree, often for reasons of principle, and this can cause disputes because neither of them wants to give in to the other. Aries always wants to have the last word and Sagittarius refuses to renounce their convictions. Beyond these niggles there is generally good understanding between them. Even if they don't feel a physical attraction their intellectual attraction might be enough for them to continue their relationship. They will encourage each other to complete their projects.
They should succeed in everything they do together because Aries provides the impetus and Sagittarius' positive energy ensures things work. Emotionally, they are very similar. They do not let their feelings overflow like water signs do but that doesn't mean they don't have any. Their emotions allow them to express themselves warmly and get things going when they want to create.
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Aries and Sagittarius are by nature honest and understand each other easily, sometimes they don't even need to speak. If one were to tell a big lie, the other would immediately know. Generally, there is no suspicion in this couple because Aries finds Sagittarius reassuring and Sagittarius easily confides in their partner. There is only one situation where the trust between them can be undermined. This would occur if there were a mismatch in the importance that each partner attaches to the relationship.
If Sagittarius sees Aries as a short-term partner, they won't hesitate to fool around elsewhere. As far as they are concerned, it wouldn't really be infidelity. On the other hand, Aries is always more invested in their romantic relationships and if that happened to them their instinctive jealousy would rear its head. Once that happens, Aries would no longer be able to trust Sagittarius.
Put Aries and Sagittarius in the same bed and you will get lots of laughter. Aries is very proud when it comes to sex. Passion and performance are among the things that matter most to them. On the other hand, Sagittarius do not take themselves seriously and will even joke about Aries' very studied behavior. Whatever happens, Sagittarius likes a joke, and they can laugh at anything. In fact, that is one of their best traits, that they know how to take the drama out of even the worst situations.
One thing is certain, they are both passionate. Aries is very focused on action and novelty while Sagittarius focuses more on retaining their natural enthusiasm. The like to protect themselves from anything that is too serious or intense for their liking. If Aries is too pretentious about their sexual skills, Sagittarius will make it a duty to burst their bubble a little. Sagittarius will teach Aries to relax and reduce the pressure they put on themselves so they can enjoy the sex more.
An Aries man with a Sagittarius woman: between Mr Aries and Miss Sagittarius, the relationship is truly harmonious. They are both dynamic and enthusiastic. They have enough in common for their couple to be well-balanced. Beyond physical attraction, their passion for adventure and travel certainly brings them together. If they both manage to put their selfishness aside, remember to be tender to each other and avoid competing in the professional field, their story should last for many years.
An Aries woman with a Sagittarius man: between Mr Sagittarius and Miss Aries, there are lots of affinities. On the other hand, as the Aries woman is naturally jealous, she will find it hard to tolerate the flighty side of the Sagittarius man. She can show exemplary fidelity and to obtain reciprocity, Sagittarius must be very much in love with his Aries partner. The other point likely to cause storms is professional rivalry. Since they are both natural bosses, they should remember the saying that there's only room for one at the top. It is better for them to have well separated activities to continue to get along well.
The association of Aries and Sagittarius is very productive at the professional level. Together, they form a very good team that's up for any challenge. They know how to be ingenious, tenacious and very creative. Aries uses their overflowing energy to achieve their goals. And chirpy, optimistic Sagittarius is a good manager who organizes everything with masterful hands. They flourish best in a professional environment where they feel autonomous. In concrete terms, they won't hesitate to take on the most difficult tasks and perform them well.
In their work, they always try to put harmony first. Obviously, this is not always possible, and disagreements may arise. This is often the case when observant Sagittarius feels the need to tell Aries about their mistakes. Aries does not like to be caught out, nor to have their failures pointed out. Despite these small details, Aries and Sagittarius form a good team. They can grow on the same professional path for a long time together as they get along so well. As they are lively and enterprising, the future is wide open to them.
If Sagittarius is the boss, they will give Aries the means to act and the space necessary for them to show the extent of their talents. If Aries is boss, they will be able to motivate Sagittarius to give their best, make discoveries and continue to develop their skills.
emulation, dynamism, efficiency
rivalry, selfishness, competition
In friendship, Aries and Sagittarius are driven by a similar energy, which encourages very strong bonds between them. Aries and Sagittarius both find it easy to get to know others. Shy people can find Sagittarius too dynamic and struggle to keep up with them. Truth be told, just like Aries, Sagittarius hates staying still. They enjoy meeting people from different cultures because they like learning new things and enriching their knowledge of the world.
Since Aries and Sagittarius are always on the go, they don't have time to get bored together. Besides, they always find a way to find something new and interesting to do. Their joint activities are always fun, to the extent they are like two children together, spontaneous and creative.
Despite their very turbulent social life, they support each other unconditionally. If there is trouble Aries will rush to Sagittarius' defense. And the same goes for Sagittarius who will always do their utmost to get Aries out of a mess. Of course, clashes of ego can sometimes occur; even if they get along and understand each other perfectly, they are not immune to some rivalries. Aries and Sagittarius therefore have many things in common that make them very complementary. They can easily develop a sincere friendship that will stand the test of time and harsh blows.
spontaneity, play, adventure
rivalry, competition, domination
Like Aries, Sagittarius has a good relationship with their family, but doesn't need to see or talk to their loved ones very often. Having an Aries and a Sagittarius in the same family is an assurance of good relationships. Frankness, liveliness and joy are the glue of their relationship. They never have time to get bored and have lots of activities and projects together. They like to read the same books, watch the same movies, listen to the same music and spend time with mutual friends. They don't make distinctions; what belongs to one also belongs to the other. Obviously, like in any family, they sometimes argue. And even if there are disagreements because of their strong personality, they share a lot of things.
In marriage, Aries won't let the relationship get stale and is always trying new things to surprise Sagittarius. Sagittarius is very good at moderating Aries’ often violent character; they are the master of compromise! Above all, this pair have a lot of mutual respect and support. Even after several years of living together, their story will still be punctuated by romance and special touches.
support, respect, sharing
independence, selfishness, impulsiveness
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