Horoscope for Wednesday, April 02

With the presence of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto, Cancers feel the need for renewal, an irrepressible urge to go on an adventure or try new things and to get out of a comfort zone that is not all that comfortable currently.

In your love life, if you want to get your balance back and go forward on a healthy basis there is something in your relationship that needs healing. If you are single, you might have a more radical approach and suddenly let go of everything that was pulling you down, pushing it away with a sweep of your hand, without the slightest regret.

Professionally, you want to change the way you work, and some of you want to change job too. You are laying the groundwork for an activity that better suits what you really want from life. Financially, you receive the fruit of your efforts and that makes you happy.


This April 2, luck protects Cancers from failure and general instability. It is a day when you could receive an unexpected gift.

Your creativity is also at its peak and your mind is full of bright ideas. Perhaps buy a lottery ticket, who knows what could happen? You could win the big prize.

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Cancer in love

The astral climate for Cancers in love demonstrates a willingness to not dwell on your difficulties. One thing is for sure, you want to move forward. If you are in a relationship and have been having troubles lately, you want to make things right and you are full of energy that will put the odds in your favor. You want to return to a balanced and sincere relationship.

If you are single, you decide to have done with everything that has made you feel down. Under the influence of Neptune and Pluto, the bell has sounded for a new start, so pick yourself up and move forward without looking back.

In a relationship: you search for new balance

Your partner will find your effort touching, because you want to discover a new way of being together. With the help of Pluto, you want to wave the white flag and be gentler with your partner, and you are committed to trying to preserve their dreams as well as yours.

You understand that having a successful relationship doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop being individuals. Even if there are obstacles in your path, you are determined to take a constructive approach to sorting out your problems.

Single: you let go of what is holding you back

Some Cancers will feel awash with unwavering determination. You want to get rid of everything that has damaged you morally and physically: relationships based on deception or profit, those that have plunged you into depression and addictions of all kinds, backbiting, harassment, etc.

Pluto urges you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and for that you need to make a clean break with situations and people that harm you. You are experiencing an inner transformation that pushes you to do some thorough housework in your life because you know you deserve much better.

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Cancer at work

The astral climate for Cancers at work invites you to follow your true desires. Neptune and the Moon help you to see things clearly and to overcome your feelings of guilt, because, yes, you are afraid of straying away from the straight and narrow that represents the career you have had so far.

But you are tired of pretending and feeling stuck in a rut. If you want to work from home or create your own business, now is the time to get started because luck is on your side today and it favors professional change.

Opportunities: brought by Pluto

Pluto is the master of profound change and this April 2 you may well be in negotiations to quit your current job. If you haven't yet said anything to your boss about your plan to leave, today will be the day.

Your manager is likely to take this as a personal betrayal. Keep in mind that your well-being comes first, and if your path lies elsewhere, you must follow what your heart tells you to do.

Cancer and money

The astral climate for Cancers on the financial side should leave you feeling serene. You've worked hard to save money to support your family or take a vacation in the sun.

Thanks to Neptune and Pluto, your dreams come true and you should be enjoying some well-deserved material comfort. Enjoy life, this is your new motto!

Gains and losses: successful contracts on the horizon

With Pluto around things often move fast. If you've been in long-lasting talks to sign a rather lucrative contract, today could be the one when the negotiations come to a successful end.

There is money coming your way and it will improve your daily life.

Would you like to know how to feel more serene?

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An overview of your day of April 2

This Wednesday, the astral sky of Cancers is dominated by the presence of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto. You are driven by a strong desire for change and you want your reality to match your dreams. You are tired of always putting off doing what makes you happy, you want to improve your lot and that is to your credit.

In your love life, you decide to make the effort to improve your relationship with your partner. You feel that neither of you is remembering their dreams and by sacrificing what makes you special you risk losing each other. For singles, the winds of change are also blowing.

You put your well-being first and you finally let go of what is causing you pain, which is a real weight off your mind. Professionally, you bring your desires to life and take steps to revitalize your career. Financially, everything is fine and you can afford to enjoy life.

My advice for making the most of today

This day gives you the impetus you need to make the changes that you have been thinking about for a long time but haven't dared to try. Maybe until now you've been afraid to sacrifice part of who you are or disappoint those around you by revealing what you really want. However, today, being true to yourself will pay off because it relieves you of the burden you've been carrying and helps you to move towards a life that better reflects who you really are.

There is nothing wrong with expressing what you really want and doing everything you can to get it. Always remember that sacrificing yourself for others all the time will not make you happy in the long run. Sometimes putting yourself first is essential, it's not selfishness, it's just a way of preserving yourself.

The Moon of April 2

Waxing crescent

As the waxing crescent moon returns your dreams can become a little more concrete with every day that passes. And because you want to get even closer to them, you will soon make an important decision that will help you to consider your immediate future more calmly. 

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