Horoscope for Wednesday, April 02

With an astral configuration that brings together the Sun, Uranus and Pluto, you are about to experience a day of change, or even revolution. When Uranus, the planet of impulsiveness and eccentricity, meets Pluto, the master of profound change, self-awareness and uprising are in the air.

As a good Aries, today you won't be interested in fate, family or tradition. You want to make a clean sweep of everything that bothers you. You want to feel alive and break down the obstacles that stand in your way one by one. In your love life you no longer want to be weighed down by the burden of your past or the prejudices of your upbringing. You claim the right to live and love as you see fit.

Professionally, you might experience some unforeseen events but what looks bad today may well look better in the morning. And fortunately, your family and friends will be around to support you through your difficulties.


Under this astral sky your luck is allied with your psychological strength when faced with today's vagaries. Don't forget to lean on your friends and family for encouragement and a comforting word.

Although your life seems to be in turmoil, you are not alone, and your lucky star is watching over you.

Would you like to know if your ex is going to come back?

Or if they are still thinking about you?

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Aries in love

The astral climate for Aries in love is transformative. The association of Pluto and Uranus, is encouraging you to make a complete overhaul of your love life. If you're single you'll decide to stop being over influenced by the opinions of your family, your traditions or even your religion.

Today you'll gain a real awareness of what is blocking you from finding an ideal partner. By sticking to what your parents want for you, you may never find someone who's a real match. If you're in a relationship you'll put love before arguments, and forgive your partner's childishness. In short, you'll want to get a little distance from your sometimes difficult everyday life and make a new beginning with your other half.

In a relationship: stop with the childishness

Thanks to Pluto, you'll have the impetus you need to make improvements to the life you share with your partner. You'll decide that you are tired of living with pettiness, jealousy and childishness. You want something a little more grown up and decide to start again with your partner because your love is greater than your differences.

You know there is real chemistry between the two of you and you want to make your relationship a better place to be. You'll see this opportunity to change things as a gift. It's time for you and your loved one to forge a new bond.

Single: you're the boss!

If you are single, Uranus is pushing you to claim your right to love whoever you want. If you want real renewal in your love life you need to make a conscious choice to ignore family and religious traditions that are guiding your choices in spite of yourself.

You no longer want to go for a certain type of partner to please your parents. You are determined to follow your heart and your soul mate's skin color, religion or profession are not important factors. You'll decide to take control of your own destiny, even if it means upsetting your family.

Would you like to know what opportunities you’ll have in your love life?

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Aries at work

The astral climate at work is likely to make you break out in a cold sweat. It's possible you'll get unpleasant news on this April 2. It may even be that your employer no longer needs your services. Beyond the understandable panic that this will make you feel, this is a unique chance for you to move on to another stage in your life.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity to put your skills to good use and no longer depend on anyone except yourself. What if you became your own boss? You'd no longer need to worry about other people stealing your thunder. Striking out on your own - it could be now or never.

Opportunities: to escape an unhealthy atmosphere

Today, Pluto encourages Aries to leave professional circles where there is a bad atmosphere. It's time to stop with the co-workers who spread false rumors and accuse you of anything and everything.

This April 2, you'll be given the opportunity, or you'll create it, to change your workplace or your employer so you'll finally have the chance to develop and make progress in your career.

Aries and money

Under today’s astral configuration your financial situation seems to be improving. You may have been going through a difficult financial stage recently but today you'll make a new start towards finally being able to make ends meet and lead a more prosperous life.

You may be given several opportunities for investing your money but make sure you study every detail before you commit your funds. Now is not the time to give in to the siren song and squander everything!

Gains and losses: it's a day of surprises!

This Wednesday, you may benefit from some unexpected cash, like an inheritance or a bonus, thanks to Uranus sending surprises into your life.

You might even win a little something at a game of chance, it's probably the perfect day to try your luck on a lottery ticket!

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An overview of your day of April 2

When the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto are in your sky, things move quickly and nothing happens by halves. Today is likely to be a bit of an emotional whirlwind, both in your love life and at work. This is a day of endings and beginnings that announces a period of renewal in your life.

It is important to keep faith in your lucky star to guide you to the best place and at the best time. This Wednesday, you will grow in every sense of the word, both concretely and spiritually. You are driven to take back control over your life and affirm your beliefs loud and clear.

You were not put on this earth to live according to what your ancestors believed, or suffer a heavy handed boss or malicious colleagues, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to improve your well-being and make your life better suited to what you need. The important thing during this day is not to resist the wave of transformation coming your way. Let yourself go with the flow; it will push you towards a life that is much better for you.

My advice for making the most of today

You are entering a period of profound transformation. I advise you not to resist the sudden changes that are occurring in your life. These twists and turns could affect your emotional life, your relationships, your business or your career. You'll need to draw on your strength and courage.

But don't forget that the wheel of life is always turning, endings are followed by beginnings and it's important to change old ways and old beliefs so you can move forward on a new path. If you accept the changes, new opportunities will come your way and expand your horizons.

The Moon of April 2

Waxing crescent

You should be happy to see the waxing crescent moon as it suggests you are beginning a period of growth. Just like sunshine after the rain, the winds of renewal are currently blowing on your life. You should make the most of them to sweep away old habits. 

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