Horoscope for Wednesday, February 26

If there were only Venus and Mars in the Scorpio astral sky today, everything would be fine. However, that ignores the presence of Saturn which will inevitably slow you down. I can already hear you muttering and pacing up and down with impatience, but on closer inspection, Saturn the party pooper may make you aware of details that have escaped you.

In love, if you're in a relationship, you understand that you can't only commit to the good parts of your relationship, you have to commit to the whole at some point. For singles, you must avoid appearing overbearing to the person you're interested in, otherwise you risk them running away.

Professionally, if you're forced into an unexpected collaboration, put your grumpiness to one side and play the diplomat. Financially, today you can breathe easy. There shouldn't be any huge expenses in sight, but hey, you won't win the jackpot either!


When it comes to luck, Venus tempers your tendency to rebellion and to frugality, which should promote harmonious exchanges for Scorpios.

Even if changes may seem slow in coming, the fact remains that your desires will become concrete before too long, especially in the professional field. Be patient, your lucky break is about to happen.


Scorpio in love

In love the astral climate means Scorpios are unlikely to be at their most delicate with other people. Venus and Mars rouse your flirtatious side and you want to win the heart of the person you are interested in as quickly as possible. However, Saturn makes you take things a little too seriously and, as a result, they may see your behavior as excessive.

If you are in a relationship, today's configuration may rub you up the wrong way because you can't stand the idea of being forced to commit. If you're single, you're equally determined you want your new romance to become serious right away. Either way, you need to calm down!

In a relationship: you feel trapped

Mars and Venus support your romantic relationship and it seems to be progressing well … perhaps a little too well for you. Saturn will quickly bring you back down to earth. Your partner is asking for a much more serious commitment from you and you are obviously not ready for that just yet.

Suffice to say that the idea of marriage feels like a pact with the devil to you and your impression is that your partner is offering you a burden that is much too heavy for your shoulders!

Single: you've got off on the wrong foot

Venus and Mars may cloud your vision of someone you've just met. You want a stable relationship at all costs which makes you rush things, and this person is obviously not on the same wavelength as you.

If you want to put things right and not scare them away permanently, you're going to have to lighten your approach and hope they forgive you. Chat to them lightheartedly, or suggest a fun date, but don't pressurize them!


Scorpio at work

At work the Scorpio astral climate indicates you'll have to collaborate with someone, whether you want to or not. You may be used to working on your own but today you'll have to compromise and work with someone that you don't necessarily get along with.

Suffice to say with Mars around you'll be raging inside but for the sake of the project you've been given, you'll have to keep your lips zippered. Saturn and Venus help you not to lose sight of your goal and to remain diplomatic, despite these annoying circumstances.

Opportunities: travel as a bonus

Saturn lets you know that you have few opportunities at the moment. Today, you will have to travel to find them up elsewhere.

Mars heightens your go-getter side, and you consider prospecting all over the place, in other states or even other countries in order to find the position that really suits you. Now is the moment to prepare everything thoroughly before you set off on the adventure.

Scorpio and money

Despite a situation that is not particularly favorable for your projects or investments, the Scorpio astral climate is protecting your finances. The support of Venus will help you continue to grow your business and bring your dreams to life.

Saturn makes you very perceptive about your possibilities and your room for maneuver, so by navigating skillfully, you will be able to come out on top.

Gains and losses: your accounts are balanced

Today you are fortunate to have two planets in your sky which when appearing together negate anything that could harm you financially. In fact, Saturn thwarts the uncontrolled impulses of Mars and should stop you spending indiscriminately.

On the other hand, the luck associated with Venus is somewhat blocked, so you are unlikely to receive big sums of money this Wednesday.


An overview of your day of February 26

If you know how to look on the bright side of things and not focus on what annoys you or isn't moving fast enough for your liking, you should still have a good day. The planets Venus, Mars and Saturn don't necessarily push things in a direction that suits you, but they can have an impact that will move you forward nonetheless.

In love, you risk getting a bit of a shock, especially if you are in a relationship, because you cannot have your bread buttered on both sides, at least not without investing a minimum in your relationship. For singles, if you don't want to lose the chance of this new relationship continuing, don't push too hard. You can make suggestions, but it's up to them to decide!

Professionally, if you want to change or find a new job, you are going to have to move geographically in order to find interesting opportunities. Financially, your money is well protected you have nothing to fear for your immediate future.

My advice for making the most of today

You often want to rush into action to avoid thinking too much about the things that hurt you or the things you need to fix inside yourself. Trying to go faster than the people around you won't make you any more successful. The best solutions can take a long time to find, but once you do you can confidently begin a new cycle in your life.

You feel ready to move on and get what you want and that's to your credit, but you still need to give yourself a little break before you get started. A bit like stepping back so you have more momentum when you jump forward and so can go further. You can use this time to listen to your inner voice, it will know better than anyone else where and how to guide you.

The Moon of February 26

Balsamic Moon

The balsamic moon invites you to rest, both mentally and physically. You’ve been through a lot in the past month and you need time to properly digest everything that has happened. Don't forget the story of the hare and the turtle!

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