Monthly Horoscope for July 2024

In view of this particular astral conjunction this July may prove to be particularly toxic, especially if you fail to channel the violent emotions that you'll probably feel. Governed by Venus, Mars and Pluto, your astral sky testifies to a determination as strong as steel but also to your desire to enjoy life's pleasures to the full.

This summer you obviously have a clear idea of what you would like to achieve and won't let anyone stand in your way, even if you need to use cunning or force to achieve your goals. In this explosive astral context, there is a good chance that you will cause more than a few waves around you.

Fortunately, the wisdom you have gained from past experiences should help you not to make radical decisions. Self-restraint can also be a good thing!


A first two weeks under the influence of Pluto

The presence of Pluto in the Virgo astral sky is double-edged. On the one hand, this planet will allow you to become aware of what is not yet perfect in your daily life, and this could help you to change what needs to be changed in it.

However, on the other hand, the brutal renewal energy associated with this star could also encourage you to act impulsively. As your experience has shown, precipitation is never a good idea when it comes to personal growth. Between your desire for reform and your need for certainty, a fierce fight will probably take place.

So that you don't quickly regret your decisions, you will need to find the balance that is an essential component of your well-being. Remember one thing: despite what you sometimes believe, there is nothing pushing you to act immediately.

A summer of love looms

If there's one thing I can't deny in the first part of July, it's your sex appeal. Are you involved in a serious romantic relationship? You will take advantage of your power of seduction to spice things up in your couple. Between the heat and your charm, some evenings may well be unforgettable!

Are you looking for a soul mate? Your audacity may help you find someone. Be careful not to rush things.

New moon of July 06

This July's new moon should be looked on as an invitation to share, to enjoy yourself and to discover new things. There's no better time than the summer to have an extra bit of fun! Your positive state of mind will clearly be an asset for your development. When things are more difficult, these moments of happiness will be supportive memories.


A second two weeks under the sign of tenderness

After a particularly restless first half of the month, you will be able to regain a semblance of serenity thanks to the passage of Venus in the Virgo astral sky. This planet's influence will be particularly noticeable in your professional life.

In the coming weeks, you will have the courage to break down some of your barriers to express your doubts and your most basic needs in an unassuming way. Your partner, family and friends will find this sincerity touching. Your honesty could also allow you to enjoy a more rewarding day to day life in your profession, as it will help ease some of the latent relationship tensions.

Your diplomatic skills are a valuable asset. If the opportunity arises, you will be keen to express your willingness to take on new responsibilities. Don't forget fortune favors the brave!

Welcome moments of calm and serenity

This summer, Venus will also offer you a unique opportunity to distance yourself from your problems and focus more frankly on the people dear to your heart. Like many Virgos, you have a great sense of empathy, even if circumstances do not always allow you to show it fully.

Talking of your experience and the lessons you have learned may help your loved ones to understand their difficulties more calmly. So don't hold back if they need your help.

Full moon of July 20

In July, the full moon encourages you to take more account of the material realities of your daily life. For your ideas to be successful, you must be able to apply them in a concrete way in a concrete project. In the coming days, you will take some time to define your strategy better, so as to give yourself a better chance of achieving your goals. When it comes to personal development, action is often worth more than words. Don't forget that.

What to remember in July

Governed by Venus, Pluto and Mars, the Virgo astral conjunction is undoubtedly not associated with ideas of calmness, harmony and restraint, especially at the very beginning of the month. In the coming days, it won't t be surprising if you feel full of restless energy which could force you to act too quickly on some of your decisions.

Fortunately, you can count on the reassuring influence of Venus to counteract this excessive impulsiveness. From the second part of July, the planet of love should allow you to regain a little serenity, which you'll gladly take as a sign to make the most of the time you have with the people you love.

Spending time with them will feel like a breath of fresh air. And then all you have to do is put some order in your life, without taking the risk of hurrying. Remember that patience is a virtue.

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