Horoscope for Tuesday, January 21
In view of the astral conjunction of January 21, it would appear that Virgos are going through a period of transition. Under the joint influence of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto, today you'll want to probe your inner world to try to find the answers to the moral, philosophical and spiritual questions that have tormented you for so many years.
Far from being satisfied with the small material pleasures of everyday life, on Tuesday you'll try to get a better understanding of what is really important to you and, at least, to decide which life path would suit you well. Although some of your loved ones already have their own thoughts on these fundamental questions, you want to make your own decisions about them.
You are very attached to your independence, and you want to be able to put your finger on just what it is that makes you unique. There's an interesting program ahead!
By encouraging you to focus on your values, principles and ideals, Neptune will actively participate in your future development.
Looking at it from this point of view, I can therefore say without difficulty that luck is indeed on your side on this January 21. Embrace change.
Virgo in love
The presence of Neptune in your sky indicates that today you'll openly question the rules about love and relationships peddled by our society. You are determined to follow your own path, so you'll try to distance yourself from some of the certainties you absorbed while growing up and seek to find your own truths.
If you are currently in a serious relationship, your questions will surprise your partner. Don't feel guilty for wanting to think! Single Virgos, on the other hand, will try to understand why so many of their friends and family are pushing them to find love. Their situation in that regard doesn't always look so enticing...
In a relationship: just be honest with yourself
Being in a relationship does not mean forgetting your own needs and always putting those of your partner first. For fear of rejection, or pure subservience, you have tended to conform to your partner's expectations.
On this January 21, the time for a (gentle) revolution has finally arrived! From today onwards you won't be able to neglect your true needs. Under the influence of Pluto, change is therefore to be expected. For the better!
Single: you know very well how to take care of yourself
Many make the mistake of thinking that love is essential for their development. But love relationships are we know them are more a cultural construct than a primary animal need.
In this context, today you'll have difficulty understanding why some of your relatives are surprised that you are still single. On your side, you feel fully responsible for your own well-being.
Virgo at work
In analyzing the astral context of the day, it seems obvious that your professional life will be the least of your worries. You'll be little interested in your career plan and success at work, which you consider to be very egoistic, and will prefer to focus to figuring out how you could make this world a better place.
In fact, Neptune tells me your principles are very important to you, even if your actions haven't always reinforced them. There is always time to change!
Opportunities: but also issues to focus on
The presence of the Moon in your sky will allow you to become aware of the gap between your values and the reality of your professional life.
In view of the financial responsibilities that you have to assume, of course, this is quite understandable. In the coming weeks, you'll just be trying to balance things out.
Virgo and money
Pluto's message is crystal clear: if you want to improve your financial situation, you absolutely have to change your relationship with money.
At the moment you aren't always rigorous when it comes to managing your budget and agree more often than necessary to purchases that aren't useful. A little readjustment is necessary.
Your prospects are reassuring
By managing your money more wisely, making the long term your priority and limiting your spending to what really matters, you will have no trouble quickly consolidating your financial situation.
After the rain comes the sun, as a well known saying has it!
An overview of your day of January 21
If you are not as satisfied with your daily life as you once were, you can welcome the presence of the Moon, Neptune and Pluto in your astral sky. There is no doubt for me, this January 21 is undoubtedly placed under the sign of change.
By realizing the imperfect nature of your daily life and recognizing that it doesn't really resemble the one you dreamed of living, most of the work will be done today. Ultimately, it will allow you to change how you act and adjust your path, which will undoubtedly lead you to more joyful pastures.
The process of change that you are about to embrace may not be accepted as well as you would have liked by some of your loved ones. Don't waste your time trying to justify yourself. You know deep down that your choices are wise.
My tip on how to make the most of today
To be able to think serenely about your future, you sometimes have to agree to get rid of your bad habits and be completely honest with yourself. If your current life isn't perfect, that doesn't mean the decisions you once made were wrong.
Rather than feeling sorry for yourself or giving up, look on this awareness as luck. You are now sufficiently clear and confident about your situation to make the necessary decisions. Delights are promised to you.