Monday, March 10
This March 10 is marked by the presence of the Sun, Saturn and Pluto and you will feel contradictory energies. Pluto is inviting you to make in-depth changes in your life while Saturn is pulling hard on the reins to slow you down and resist change.
Today, you will oscillate between these two extremes which will be disturbing and may affect your exchanges with the people around you. Your desire to buck the general trend won't necessarily be welcomed by everyone, you have been warned!
Professionally, it looks like you're at a crossroads and you'll have to make a choice for your future. In your love life, it could be that your behavior is the opposite of what your partner expects from you and they'll find this really annoying. In short, today is not going to be easy for you. Be brave!
Tuesday, March 11
The Moon, Venus and Pluto today form a sacred trio in your sky. Under the influence of these planets, you will probably feel more connected than ever to your emotions, dreams and desires, but also have a more developed awareness of your current frustrations and disappointments.
Although you are able to devote yourself entirely to something just for love, you also have a clear idea of what you expect from a romantic relationship. On this point, you'll feel a little bitter that your current situation is far from perfect and that you still have a long way to go.
On the professional level, a desire for change will probably seize you. Faced with the intensity of your emotions, you may need to step back from your need for change so you don't put the cart before the horse and make a hasty decision that you regret later.
Wednesday, March 12
Under the impact of the Sun, Uranus and Neptune, it would appear that everything you have kept to yourself for months or even years is emerging like a geyser. All the blocked off emotions, the buried desires, the repressed dreams and the held back anger risk exploding suddenly this Wednesday.
Things are going to move very quickly this March 12 and you may well decide to rid yourself of the things that are holding you back, especially in your emotional sphere. At the end of today you could even find yourself singing "Let it go!" like the Snow Queen, so great was your need to clear your life.
At work, your peace of mind may be a bit disturbed today, but you are lucky that your finances are in good shape. You could well get the answers you have been looking forward to and it brings you real relief.
Thursday, March 13
In view of today's astral conjunction, Taurus can already rub their hands with glee and sketch the beginnings of a smile. Ruled by the Moon and Mars, it testifies to both the keenness of your sensitivity and your ability to move forward.
So on this March 13 you'll be crossed by two energies that are different in nature but complement each other wonderfully. Their union could be deeply fruitful. Thanks to them, today you won't just be more aware than ever of your needs, you will also be able to make lasting decisions, which will help you to come a little closer to your dreams or at least to take a path that suits you better.
So you can expect to have a particularly pleasant day, both at work and at home. See how simple life can be sometimes!
Friday, March 14
With an astral configuration that brings together the Sun, Uranus and Pluto, you are about to experience a day of change, or even revolution. When Uranus, the planet of impulsiveness and eccentricity, meets Pluto, the master of profound change, self-awareness and uprising are in the air.
As a good Taurus, today you won't be interested in fate, family or tradition. You want to make a clean sweep of everything that bothers you. You want to feel alive and break down the obstacles that stand in your way one by one. In your love life you no longer want to be weighed down by the burden of your past or the prejudices of your upbringing. You claim the right to live and love as you see fit.
Professionally, you might experience some unforeseen events but what looks bad today may well look better in the morning. And fortunately, your family and friends will be around to support you through your difficulties.
Saturday, March 15
In view of your astral conjunction, it seems likely that you won't treat your professional life and emotional life in the same way. The presence of Mars in your astral chart indicates that you will be demonstrating significant combativeness at work today.
Under the influence of this planet, there is little chance that you will allow yourself to be trodden on. Like certain Taurus of your ascendant, you don't often run away from conflict and have no difficulty defending your opinions, even if it means upsetting the people you are talking to.
From an emotional point of view, however, things will be quite different, Saturn indicating that you currently have a strong need for security. So arguing with your partner won't occur to you, despite the frustrations you may sometimes feel. Right now, you'll prefer to focus on the positive things in your relationship.
Sunday, March 16
The association of the Sun, Neptune and Pluto makes you want to go out to conquer your dreams and make them come true. You are looking for in-depth changes and you want to use your whole being to reach the things that really matter to you.
In addition, you may feel the need to retreat from the world for a while, to regenerate in solitude. This is the ideal time for you to work on your inner being and understand how to move towards what suits you best. If you are in a relationship you may withdraw from your partner in order to seek your own answers. If you're single you'll be more interested in your career and finances that in matters of the heart.
Today's influence may make others think you're being a little insensitive but it's just that you don't want anyone to interfere with your choices. This day may not be very simple from a relationship point of view. Be brave!