Monday, March 10
Venus, Jupiter and Neptune promise Scorpios beautiful things while reminding them that it is necessary to remain vigilant at all times. When people are nice to you, you tend to trust them too quickly and don't always dig deep enough to find out whether the people around you are as sincere as they say they are.
In your love life, you should consider this as a serious warning, especially if you are in a couple. It's time to take off the rose tinted eyeglasses and see who the person who shares your life really is. On the other hand, if you are single today looks very hopeful. It's even possible you'll meet the person you've been dreaming about.
Professionally, too, it is important to think critically about any proposals you are likely to receive this Monday. Lady Luck should protect you from a lot of pitfalls today, so you can thank her!
Tuesday, March 11
Dear Scorpio, you are facing a particularly explosive, some would say dangerous, astral situation today. The meeting of Mars, Uranus and Pluto in your astral sky may bring you many surprises. Depending on the use you make of it, the tremendous energy you show on this March 11 could be profoundly beneficial to your future development or be detrimental to the progress of your projects.
On this March 11, it will therefore be essential you ensure your actions are based in good faith and that you try to channel your impulsiveness as much as possible. From an emotional point of view, your willingness to change things will probably not be very well understood by your partner.
Professionally speaking, try to take your colleagues' opinions into account more and don't force your point of view down their throats! Like many Scorpios, you tend to see your needs as more important than those of your loved ones.
Wednesday, March 12
Today, the March 12 is marked by the presence of Venus, Jupiter and Pluto. Despite themselves, Scorpios could find themselves heading for change. In your love life, if you are in a relationship, you surprise yourself by realizing just how important that relationship is. You saw your couple as something very light, easygoing, and fleeting. But now it feels like soon you won't be able to do without your partner.
For singles, Pluto helps you do the necessary housework in relationships that aren't doing you any good. If you start again on a healthier basis, you have every chance of getting into a new, more enriching partnership
Professionally, great prospects are available to you on the condition that you make the effort to take the first steps. Financially, your books are balanced, and the lean days are behind you. At last, you can breathe, everything is fine.
Thursday, March 13
There is no doubt in my mind: on March 13 the astral climate encourages you to make your dreams come true and to act according to the values that are important to you.
Crossed by Neptune and Mars, your astral sky could therefore prove to be profoundly beneficial to your development, both from an emotional and a professional point of view. I'm sure you've often said to yourself that the constraints of everyday life stop you living the life you dream of leading. It is high time to take your courage in both hands and make the right decisions.
As you are concerned about the sustainability of your choices, you'll allow yourself enough time to fully understand the issues you are facing today. If it turns out to be essential, you'll seek the advice of people you trust, so as to benefit from a more global overview of your situation.
Friday, March 14
This day dominated by the presence of Venus, Saturn and Uranus will not be the easiest you have this year. When it comes to your heart, things are not particularly rosy, especially if you are in a relationship. You realize that in this relationship it's difficult for you to show yourself as you really are, and you know that sooner or later you won't be able to keep pretending so that your partner will love you.
If you are single, you've convinced yourself that true love is not for you and you'd rather find someone, anyone, no matter how boring, than end up alone. Yet you deserve much better than this. Professionally, you are going to have to roll up your sleeves because your abilities will be tested and analyzed this Friday.
Courage, you can do it! Financially, the stars still require a little effort from you before you can untie the purse strings. But you will soon be able to spend your money a little more freely, it just takes a little patience!
Saturday, March 15
Centered around Jupiter and Uranus, your astral conjunction testifies to your desire to live a full and well-rounded life. You obviously have undeniable qualities, which you will manage to exploit to the full on this March 15.
At home, you will only aspire to one thing: to regain that calm that you have so lacked in the previous weeks. You will deliberately put your doubts aside to focus on what really matters to you, even if your relationship sometimes has difficulties. If you want to grow together you need to agree to let things go when it's really necessary.
From a professional standpoint, don't expect to reap the rewards for your efforts today. The presence of Saturn in your sky indicates you will be happy to embrace the benefits of patience. Small battles make big victories.
Sunday, March 16
This March 16 won't necessarily be a very easy day to negotiate because the association of Venus, Saturn and Neptune can really shake up different areas of your life. In fact, you're not going to be able to ignore what is causing you pain.
So Scorpios who are in a relationship may find it's time to start a revolution. Whether it's a peaceful one or not, you need to start using your personal power again, because you've neglected it for too long. Single Scorpios should find this is the perfect day to let go of things that still spoil your life. It's time to get back on track but on a healthier basis!
Professionally, you may have to grit your teeth and be flexible in order to accept the changes that take place around you whether you want them or not. I know that, like most Scorpios, you don't like unexpected change but here you have no choice and you need to accept it. And who knows? You may eventually find it really suits you!