Weekly Horoscope for the week of February 03

This week of 3 to 9 February should be an active one for the process of personal growth that is so important to you. Crossed by Venus and Neptune, your sky testifies to your ability to follow your instincts and to your desire to make your dreams come true.

While some of the people you know are content to simply imagine what their ideal life could be like, you are determined to make your vision a reality. From Monday, therefore, you will be ready to do whatever it takes to tackle the task, particularly by identifying those parts of your everyday life that could be more satisfying.

If necessary, you will be ready to make changes, whether in your career or in your love life. Life is too short to settle for might have beens.

When it comes to love, a heart to heart may be in order. It's possible that lately your couple has tended to stagnate a little. The time has come to breathe new life into your relationship. Your partner will be happy to share this new path with you. Are you single? If you are looking for a soul mate, are you sure you are looking in the right places?

At work, you push your doubts to one side to try to do a perfect job. Deep down, you hope that your efforts will be noticed. Career progression begins with change. There is no point tirelessly repeating the same gestures and hoping for a different result.


A week conducive to the progress of your projects

You are strongly attached to your values and do not wish to neglect your dreams. This is, in short, the message delivered by the Gemini astral conjunction this week of 3 to 9 February. Rather than clinging on to your status quo you will use the coming days to try to implement the changes to your life that you have already been considering for some time.

Even if you are not sure of the outcome for the moment, you believe that doing something is always better than doing nothing. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and fight for what really matters to you.

The influence of Neptune is obvious here. In view of your Gemini character, there is a good chance that you will quickly achieve your goals. Fortune favors the bold. And this undoubtedly describes you.

Gemini compatibility

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