Monday, March 10
The planets today are aligned to let Sagittarius know exactly what they want and to give them the boost they need to make their dreams come true. When it comes to the heart, if the atmosphere is not as romantic as you would like, blame it on Mars which tends to attenuate the good offices of Jupiter and Neptune's daydreams.
If you are in a relationship, one thing is certain, the picture you are painting yourself of it is not very flattering at the moment. Some of you may even feel really disappointed with how your life together has turned out. For singles, apparently you have better things to do today than settle down. This Monday you have your heart set on other goals.
Professionally, you want to prove yourself as an individual and not just a junior member of an already successful family. Financially, everything is fine and you put the jealous in their proper place.
Tuesday, March 11
In view of your astral conjunction, this March 11 will undoubtedly be marked by change, although you will probably have to wait a bit to reap the benefits. The passage of Pluto in your astral sky indicates you currently feel ready to question some of your most rooted certainties, since you believe that this could allow you to move forward and consider your future more calmly.
As the presence of Neptune tells me, you seem particularly proud of your values and your philosophy of life. And today, you will try to make things happen while taking these principles into account. Nevertheless, you'll have the intelligence not to rush too much and to opt for a long-term vision.
Under the influence of Saturn, your development will be slow, calm and gradual. Changes that are too abrupt are not always the most effective anyway.
Wednesday, March 12
With the planetary configuration on this March 12, Sagittarius will have a day marked by clear decisions. Mars, Jupiter and Pluto induce sometimes radical changes in your existence, and you will have to fasten your seat belt and hang on tight.
In your love life, if you are in a relationship it seems to be more or less on the right track. And it seems that you've understood your need to be more committed if you want your relationship to be long-lasting. If you are single, you get a bit of a shock this Wednesday when you understand that an adventure you've recently begun is not very good for you. Run away, run away!
Professionally, beware of false friends today, you could be the victim of severe disappointment. Financially, your income is balanced. You can even afford to invest a little something for your well-being or perhaps decide to invest in real estate. You are in great form and your projects are supported by the stars, what more could you ask for?
Thursday, March 13
The meeting of Uranus, Pluto and Neptune may be explosive ... making the day of March 13 a particularly interesting experience. Were you planning to sit comfortably in front of the fire and enjoy the peace and quiet? The turmoil in your thoughts is unlikely to give you the opportunity.
Your desire to change things and your impulsiveness will dominate the picture today. In this particular astral context, therefore, you should be careful not to act too quickly on your decisions, at the risk of bitterly regretting them at a later time.
The dawning awareness you'll feel will nevertheless help you to pin point the elements of your professional and love life that no longer feel like you. The gap between the reality of your daily life and your dreams seems significant. If you want to brige it, it's preferable to take a long-term view. This will give you the best results!
Friday, March 14
This March 14, Sagittarius are subject to the influence of Mars, Saturn and Uranus. Suffice to say that you are not going to spend a quiet day at home! Things move quickly and you're going to have balls in the air in just about every area of your life.
On the heart side, Sagittarius in a relationship will go through a phase of adjustment. The Universe is responsible for making you understand that if you want your relationship to grow, you will have to grow too. Huge program, isn't it? If you are single, you hesitate between holding yourself back or following your impulse concerning someone you met recently.
Professionally, something may really upset you and cause you to grind your teeth. The way your boss is acting, you may want to wring their neck. On the financial side, you can breathe, the tough days are finally behind you.
Saturday, March 15
Under the influence of the Sun and Mercury, today, March 15, will be placed under the sign of friendship and warm exchanges for Sagittarius. Today, you'll want to get through your chores quickly to make the most of the friendly atmosphere that awaits you.
Now is a good time to get your friends together and put the obligations that have tended to weigh on you recently to one side for a while. The end of the day would be an ideal time to take a break and relax for a few hours in good company.
At work, you'll try to create a more peaceful atmosphere with your colleagues and superiors. Results shouldn't be long in coming, your jokes and good humor will help to create a good atmosphere from the start of the day. In matters of the heart, you feel in the mood for introspection and will be thinking about every detail of your love life.
Sunday, March 16
This March 16, a day dominated by the presence of Mars, Saturn and Neptune, will repeatedly remind you to get back on the right track. On the heart side, if you are in a relationship you are living in a parallel universe. It seems you believe yourself to be so irresistible that the new person who occupies your thoughts will give in to your advances as if by magic.
Come back down to Earth, you are heading straight for disaster! If you are single, you are deluding yourself if you think your ex is going to fall back into your arms without raising the slightest objection. So even if it's possible you'll win them back, don't expect everything to turn out the way you dreamed.
Professionally, caution is in order. If someone offers you a deal that looks too good to be true, be on your guard and don't sign anything because today's configuration can turn out to be really misleading in many ways.