Weekly Horoscope for the week of March 10

The meeting of the Sun and Neptune in the Sagittarius astral sky is promising, since it indicates that you will be able to really enjoy this week of 10 to 16 March. In the days to come, your daily life will seem more pleasant than ever, and you'll probably feel full of a new excitement.

This positive mind set will encourage you to fight for the causes that are important to you, but also to try to modify some of those habits that you know are harmful to your well-being. The quality of your diet, your physical exercise and management of your stress will soon be at the center of your preoccupations.

These changes should help you to enjoy a healthier lifestyle that is more in keeping with your vision of life. So things are definitely looking good. 

When it comes to love, you'll want to lay new foundations for your life as a couple. The presence of Mercury in your sky intensifies your desire to plan for the long term with your partner. You obviously need to structure your daily life around some joint projects. You feel strongly that the durability of your relationship depends on it.

At work, you will become aware of the gap between your ideal career and the reality of what you do every day at work. In the days to come, you will seek to resolve this problem by changing some of your work habits. You're more than ready to review your career plan if necessary.


This week, find your place and shape your destiny

Without a shadow of a doubt, the Sun is a positive sign for the development of your situation. Despite any small problems you may encounter in the week of 10 to 16 March, your state of mind will be full of good intentions and enthusiasm.

You obviously want to enjoy the pleasures of life to the full, without paying too much attention to what society as a whole has to say. In the coming days you will learn to think for yourself, only taking into account your needs and those of the people who are close to you. Your need for security may also push you to be more precise about which of your goals are the most important, and to engage in new projects.

This ability to plan before you act is a great strength. Don't neglect it, otherwise you risk going down a path that doesn't reflect what you really want. Being in tune with yourself is priceless.

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