Monday, February 10
On the menu for this day dominated by Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto, there will be communication, luck and a lot of change. One thing is certain, you won't be the same person tonight as the one who began this Monday.
In love if you are a Scorpio already in a relationship you feel the need to do everything you can to create a pleasant atmosphere. You lean towards something romantic as a way to strengthen the bond between you and your partner and there's every chance it will work as you hope. If you are single, you stop torturing yourself about still not having found the right person for you. Instead of moping at home you choose to go out and have a good time with your friends.
Professionally, events are turning in favor of Scorpios looking for a job, it's your lucky day! However, be careful with finances because you could let yourself be blinded by your desire to change everything and make a big hole in your finances in the process. Prudence should still be your watchword!
Tuesday, February 11
If there is one thing that is obvious when looking at your astral sky, it is that you'll be beset by a certain number of doubts today. The joint presence of Saturn and Uranus indicates you are currently asking yourself a lot of questions, but that you haven't yet been able to find satisfactory answers.
If you want to be able to see more clearly you'll need to step back from your everyday life and take a clear look at your situation. Don't expect to solve your problems in just a few days, there's a lot of soul searching ahead.
Although this process feels unsettling at first it should give you the opportunity to get back on track and get a better understanding of your real needs. In the long term, it will be deeply beneficial to your personal development, especially from an emotional point of view. So don't worry, better days are coming.
Wednesday, February 12
This February 12 dominated by the presence of Mercury, Saturn and Uranus promises you a day that should go off without a hitch. Like the cogs of a well-oiled machine, no unpleasant surprises should await you on your way. In love, you have found the perfect way to be with your partner and everything seems to be working out for you. Like a good conductor, you master your score to perfection.
If you are single, you have decided to stay away from complicated relationships to maintain your dignity and well-being. Professionally, you are given additional responsibilities, which is a sign that you are doing your job well and that your skills are recognized at their true value.
On the financial side, your old dream of teaming up with your best friends to set up a project is well underway. You will soon reap the rewards of your labor. This Wednesday, lady luck is not particularly looking out for you, but you are cautious in everything you do and that should keep you away from problems.
Thursday, February 13
It's hard to predict with certainty what your February 13 will look like, as your astral circumstances seem to be sending contradictory signals. The joint presence of Venus and Neptune in your sky indicates that today you'll want to make the most of the pleasures of life, to advance your personal projects and to proudly defend the values which are dear to you.
On the other hand, Saturn suggests that you are currently facing a number of difficulties, which prevent you from changing as quickly as you would like. Under these particular conditions, and despite your good intentions, it's very likely that your situation will remain as it is for some time yet.
If you don't want to feel too frustrated, you only have one solution: stay impassive and let time do its work. After all, a little patience never hurt anyone.
Friday, February 14
With Mercury, Saturn and Neptune in the sky it doesn't look like Scorpios are going to have their best day this year. You are not feeling your normal self and it is affecting every area of your life. In your love life, your morale is low.
If you are in a relationship, even your partner can't cheer you up; you prefer to be left alone to sulk in the corner. If you are single, your attitude today is likely to scare away any suitors so this probably won't be the day you meet your ideal partner.
Professionally, you lack the energy and responsiveness to grasp any opportunities that come your way. There is still time to rectify the situation, roll up your sleeves and show a little more conviction in what you are doing. Your finances are in good shape, so continue to follow your intuition and don't give in to urge to splurge!
Saturday, February 15
The meeting of Saturn and Pluto in the Scorpio astral sky risks being explosive. Although the first of these planets emphasizes the virtues of patience and thinking about the future, the second advocates the benefits of action. In this battle of opposites, it's hard to know who will have the last word.
In this particular astral context, you will easily understand that this February 15 will probably cause you considerable torment and that why you are doing what you are doing will perhaps not be obvious to everyone. So be careful not to create too many waves within your relationship and to clearly express your difficulties to your partner.
They will be more supportive of you if they are able to understand what is going through your mind. Otherwise, you can expect an argument, or at the very least dissatisfaction. Adopt the same logic in your professional life.
Sunday, February 16
With the presence of Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, one thing is certain, by tonight your life will have taken a different turn from anything you've done so far. You understand that things in your life really need to change. You also know that this time you won't be able to settle for half measures, your life needs something really new.
In your love life, if you are in an inflexible relationship that has hurt you, you begin to ask yourself some questions. If you are single, now is the time to take the plunge because you know nothing is going to change if nothing changes.
Professionally, you need a breath of fresh air in your career, you are thirsty for new knowledge or you just want to change your horizons. Go for it! You have the wind in your sails. Financially, don't be tempted by honeyed words, only trust people you know well.