Weekly Horoscope for the week of February 10

In view of the planets present in your sky, it looks like this week of 10 to 16 February will be all about introspection and becoming more self-aware. Pluto, in particular, indicates that you have reached a symbolic point of no return and that it will be difficult for you to continue with your old ways.

From the beginning of the week, you will probably feel a need to take stock of your life, so you can identify which aspects of it no longer really suit you. This is why you will put your social life on hold for a while.

By Wednesday, this process of thought should lead to some concrete decisions which you'll be more than ready to implement. This capacity for change is remarkable.

When it comes to love, a casual discussion will give you a better understanding of the direction your couple should be heading in. Be careful not to say harsh words because you won't be able to take them back. Respect is an essential component of any lasting love story.

At work, you can expect small successes, which could relate to the progress of your projects or the bonds you manage to create with one of your colleagues. From a general point of view, you will be an active participant in the good atmosphere at work. Ideal for boosting your motivation and efficiency!


This week, you should expect to experience some self-awareness

Finally, I'd like to dwell for a moment on the passage of Pluto in the Aquarius astral sky. Sometimes feared by neophytes of astrology, this planet nevertheless delivers a positive message to anyone who wants to hear it.

Under its influence, you should not be surprised by the need to question some of your most deeply rooted certainties. From Monday, after a short period of reflection, you will do everything in your power to make changes to your life so that it better reflects your true aspirations. Achieving your goals will require you to be completely honest with yourself about who you are and what you want.

It will also be important that you accept the need to cut some of the ties that still bind you to your past; something which can prevent you from moving forward as quickly as you would like. Keep looking forward to the future.

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