Weekly Horoscope for the week of March 17

In view of the planets currently in your astral sky, you would be well advised to approach this week of 17 to 23 March with the greatest caution, especially if you are not particularly comfortable with conflict.

In effect, the meeting of Uranus and Pluto means that in the days to come you will be absolutely determined to get things done, to an extent that some would describe as aggressive. Your great sensitivity, which is usually an asset for you, could play tricks on you from the middle of the week.

Your impulsiveness will also make you run a significant risk of making hasty decisions. If you don't want to immediately regret some of your choices, you'll need to exercise a little patience.

When it comes to love, it will certainly be difficult for you to take your partner's point of view into account or spend enough time with them. You'll be stuck in your own thoughts and find it hard to reach out to others or establish trust with them. This particular mood will also do the projects of single Aquarius a disservice. Too bad, love will have to wait!

At work, you could feel some tension in your relationships, in part due to your difficulties in controlling your emotions. Some of your colleagues will find it hard to believe in your sincerity. Perhaps you should ask yourself whether it's a good idea to always tell everyone the whole truth!


This week, watch out for reversals

In view of your astral conjunction, everything suggests that this week of 17 to 23 March will be difficult to manage for most Aquarius. The meeting of Pluto and Uranus testifies to your very thin skin, but also your inability to bite your tongue!

When you are confronted with a situation that you consider unfair, you'll jump straight in to challenge the people involved in an attempt to resolve the problem. And the words you use won't necessarily go down very well, despite your good intentions.

Do you want to make important decisions about the future of your career or your relationship? Take your time before making your choice. Your current context doesn't seem very conducive to doing it right now.

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