Horoscope for Tuesday, January 21
Dear Taurus, the association of the Sun, Mars and Uranus in your sky this January 21 portends a day full of twists and turns. If you were hoping to spend a lazy afternoon or an evening by the fireplace, you'll need to rethink your plans.
On Tuesday, you will be crossed by a powerful energy, which will push you to make changes to your life and to make decisions that you thought you could put off for a while. While this sudden turnaround in your aspirations may seem surprising at first, it is actually the result of a complex thought process, which has been unconsciously maturing in you over the past few months.
So today you are resolute about making change your priority, with all the unfortunate consequences that it could entail. As such, I can only advise you to think carefully before making your choice. Think about your future, too, instead of focusing exclusively on your immediate needs.
January 21 will feel more like a constant downpour than a bright, sunny day. Although your lucky star has not abandoned you, today it seems more interested in other people.
You should therefore wait for its return before taking action.
Taurus in love
From an emotional standpoint, your day is likely to be more like a Shakespearean tragedy than a beautiful Hollywood love story. Under the influence of Uranus, you will feel a real need to create havoc in order to change your situation. If you are currently in a relationship, your partner may not feel the same way you do.
So don't be surprised if things become a little tense. It's up to you to be diplomatic enough that your relationship doesn't suffer too much. If necessary, single Taurus will be manipulative in order to achieve their ends. These attempts at manipulation will certainly lead to a backlash.
In a relationship: the beginning of a crisis?
Despite your good intentions, today's aggressiveness will probably mean you won't be sufficiently tactful when you express your needs.
Although Mars is encouraging you to speak honestly, there is also a good chance that this planet will make you forget the most important thing, which is how your partner feels about this. For a couple to flourish, communication must be respectful. Your astral climate is definitely not pointing in that direction.
Single: short-term pleasures won't help your project
On this January 21, your urge to seduce will certainly prompt you to act impulsively. Today you will be a slave to your libido and your need to control your environment will be more obvious than ever. By encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone, this state of mind will no doubt help you meet new people.
Just be careful not to run anyone over while doing it. Today you will be so obsessed with meeting your needs that you will be only too happy to forget those of others.
Taurus at work
Today, Uranus's influence will manifest itself in your desire to acquire more professional independence. For some time you've felt stuck in a situation that's not really you and unable to express your qualities as your hands are tied.
This Tuesday you'll be actively looking for a way to further your cause, even if it means causing a stir. It's up to you to find the right balance.
Opportunities: or just traps?
Today, your need to be an individual and your thirst for independence will push you to change your situation. However, you won't have enough distance from what's happening to think calmly about your new opportunities.
If you don't give yourself more time, then you risk being wowed by projects that are actually not worth the effort and heading down a more tortuous path than you might think. Be patient.
Taurus and money
As the Sun in your sky indicates, today you don't seem to have too much to worry about with regard to your financial situation.
Because of your current impulsiveness, just be careful not to give in to the temptation of an unnecessary purchase or an overly risky investment. Give yourself time to decide.
Your prospects: choose the middle way
Like many Taurus with your ascendant, you have a tendency to see things in black and white. As such, you experience difficulties in properly analyzing your prospects.
Instead of torturing yourself trying to choose, why not consider the middle path. It is often that of wisdom. You're not obliged to keep changing your plans.
An overview of your day of January 21
The marriage of Mars and Uranus in your sky today will force you to be aggressive, towards yourself of course, but also towards those around you.
Although your prime objective is to grow as a human being, those around you will find it difficult to understand your state of mind. So don't be surprised if they ask themselves what bit you. To put it simply, although you've got the right idea, the way you'll go about achieving it will be questionable.
If you are currently in a relationship, you will need to be especially careful not to offend your partner's ego or say words that aren't exactly what you mean. At work, be more patient. The opportunities that may come your way aren't necessarily as good as they look.
My tip on how to make the most of today
Faced with the intense emotions you'll feel today I can only recommend you to take a deep breath and count to ten. Although your boundless energy reflects a clear desire to move forward, it won't help you if you can't channel it.
You can do this by postponing some of your decisions, talking honestly with people you trust, and taking the long-term view. Your tendency to want everything immediately often hurts you.