Monthly Horoscope for November 2025

The planets in the Aquarius astral sky this November seem to indicate that the coming weeks may not be easy! Governed by Venus, Uranus and Pluto, your astral conjunction suggests that you will sometimes find it difficult to channel your impulsiveness or to use your emotions wisely.

In November, however, you will have a definite goal: to make the changes to your daily life that you have been thinking about for some time. In your professional life as well as at home, you will definitely be in the mood for change and growth.

For it to be sustainable, however, you will have to be careful not to put the cart before the horse and not to get committed too quickly to projects that may not really be for you. Patience is your friend.

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A first two weeks under the influence of Pluto

Pluto's passage suggests that you will soon become aware that your current situation leaves a lot to be desired. Recently you've noticed a bit of frustration creeping in, as if your daily routine is no longer as satisfying as it once was.

Since you have never been the type to let things that make you unhappy stay unaddressed, in the coming weeks you'll be ready to take things into your own hands and think about the options available to you. In spite of your fierce desire to make changes to your life, you will first talk about your difficulties with your loved ones, who will be an invaluable support to you.

Take the time to listen to their advice. They will help you to see your situation in a new light. When it comes to personal growth, it is better not to act too impulsively.

Your memories resurface

At the beginning of November, it's likely some of your more unpleasant memories will resurface. Although facing them may feel very painful, do not look away, it is very import. Their function is to remind you that there are some events you have not yet dealt with properly.

Once you agree to confront your trauma you will quickly be able to draw a line under some aspects of your past that have been blocking your forward movement. This will make it easier for you to feel more serene when you consider your future.

Full moon of November 05

In November, the full moon will encourage you to probe your inner world and get to grips with what you really need in life. Since what's important to you one day is not always so important the next, the full moon will help as it encourages you to think about your action in the long term, and also to distance yourself from the impulses that you've felt over the last few weeks. To be able to make the right decisions, it's better to know exactly what you want to achieve in the long term, don't you think?

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In the second two weeks, beware of acting impulsively

Although your desire to do well is commendable, don't lose your sense of priority during November. As your astral conjunction clearly indicates, at the moment you'll have a tendency to only consider the immediate results of any decisions you take, forgetting to think about the long-term.

The influence of Uranus is obvious here. If you don't want to make decisions that you'll quickly regret, give yourself enough time for some serious thought. This period of introspection will help you be more precise about what you want and the best way to get there, as well as ensure that any decisions you make are helpful in that process.

Paradoxically, you'll get where you want faster by agreeing to take your time. Think of the famous fable of the hare and the turtle!

Your love life helps you to see more clearly

Whether you are in a couple or single, in the second part of November your love life will help you to overcome the challenges you are currently facing more easily. Are you in a committed relationship? Your partner's support will be invaluable to you. Since they know you so well, who is better placed to guide and advise you?

Are you looking for a soul mate? A gentle game of seduction, or two, will help take your mind off your current worries. A break can sometimes be all you need.

New moon of November 20

This November's new moon is ideal if you currently feel the desire to enjoy life to the fullest. Under its influence, you'll want to make the most of the pleasures of the flesh and the senses. And it may well encourage you to enjoy spending time with your partner ... or meet someone special. Enjoyment is a basic need for everyone. Don't forget to have a good time!

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What to remember from #mois #annee

What to remember in November

November will undoubtedly bring you its share of surprises, joy and pain. Crossed by Venus, Pluto and Uranus, the Aquarius astral sky testifies to your fierce desire to move forward but also to enjoy everything that life has to offer.

Since you have never been the type to be happy with the status quo, in the coming weeks you'll want to start change happening, even if it does mean undermining the stability of what you already have. Although a desire for personal growth is always laudable, you'll need to channel your impulses.

To avoid hasty decisions, don't forget to seek the opinion of the people you trust the most. They can help you separate the wheat from the chaff and avoid making too many mistakes. You are only as strong as the people you love.

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