Weekly Horoscope for the week of March 03

In view of the planets present in your astral sky, this week of 3 to 9 March should help you actively continue in the process of personal growth that you've been pursuing for some time now.

It is the meeting of the Sun and Pluto that should primarily attract your intention. These two planets are highly appreciated by astrologers. They are associated with ideas of accomplishment, happiness and perseverance, but also with ideas of rupture and decision making.

These two complementary energies suggest your week will be particularly interesting from an emotional point of view, especially when it comes to ridding yourself of certain parts of your past. In any case, it looks like interesting decisions should be on the cards from Monday.

When it comes to love, your partner will be offering the understanding and patience which is an important part of your happiness. They will give you advice that will help you see the challenges you are currently facing in a new light. No one is better placed than your partner to guide you on the path to happiness.

At work, you will gradually become aware that your current situation doesn't really suit you. This does not mean that you will take the risk of undermining what you have worked so hard to build. From Thursday, however, you will have the courage to explore the other options that are available to you. You've never been one to rest on your laurels.


A week warmed by the gentle rays of the Sun

Like the shepherd guiding the flock to its destination, this week the Sun will show you the path to follow. Its gentle rays will help you realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by people who love you for who you really are.

The confidence this will give you will help you to begin to change those habits that you consider are harmful to your well-being. The passage of Pluto in your sky invites you to take your destiny into your own hands and separate yourself from some aspects of your past.

The idealized memories you have can prevent you from enjoying your current life to the full. From now on, your gaze should be firmly turned to the future.

Aquarius compatibility

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