Horoscope for Friday, March 07

The meeting of Saturn and Pluto in the Libra astral sky risks being explosive. Although the first of these planets emphasizes the virtues of patience and thinking about the future, the second advocates the benefits of action. In this battle of opposites, it's hard to know who will have the last word.

In this particular astral context, you will easily understand that this March 7 will probably cause you considerable torment and that why you are doing what you are doing will perhaps not be obvious to everyone. So be careful not to create too many waves within your relationship and to clearly express your difficulties to your partner.

They will be more supportive of you if they are able to understand what is going through your mind. Otherwise, you can expect an argument, or at the very least dissatisfaction. Adopt the same logic in your professional life.

By being sufficiently clear about your situation and its limits, an awareness will begin to dawn in you today.

It will encourage you to stop being content with appearances and think more about your future. In this context, isn't it obvious that your lucky star has not forgotten you?


Libra in love

Obviously, your love life doesn't make you feel as serene as it used to. Although you don't see any reason to jump ship, you think a change is needed. However, the difficulties you are currently experiencing may force you to make a decision too hastily. Induced by Pluto, this impulsiveness will have to be channeled.

Are you single? Take the time to define your priorities. Despite the pressure from society and some of your friends and family, there is nothing forcing you to make a commitment now.

In a relationship: a discussion would do you good

It's an open secret that the couples who stay together the longest are those who agree to change together and question some of their certainties. Well aware of this truth, today you will try to bring about a change, but unfortunately you'll forget to frame this change properly.

As you can imagine, this attitude is dangerous. Instead of rushing, Saturn encourages you to be patient and diplomatic. By speaking openly about your doubts to your loved one, a constructive dialogue can be established.

Single: no rush

Power is useless without control! This slogan is perfectly suited to your love life on this March 7. Your overwhelming desire to find a soul mate tends to reduce your chances of meeting.

It is by showing yourself to be independent, serene and sure of yourself that you are most likely to meet someone. As far as possible, try to channel this need for sharing and love that you are feeling. Don't people say, everything comes to those who wait?


Libra at work

Given your astral conjunction, your workday is unlikely to go smoothly. The presence of Pluto in your astral sky suggests that you will find it difficult to control your emotions sufficiently.

The smallest annoyance will make you angry or sad, much to the surprise of your colleagues. To avoid being judged by them, don't be afraid to explain to them that you're just having a hard time.

Opportunities: beware of mirages

It's a fact: your professional situation can only improve over the long term. So don't rush like a moth towards the light if a new professional opportunity is offered to you.

You need time to define your goals more precisely and establish the route you need to get to them. Mindlessly accepting this opportunity could lead you away from your true aspirations.

Libra and money

Saturn undoubtedly encourages you to show courage, self-sacrifice and thoroughness with your money. While you will never be able to dictate your salary, you can still manage your finances more strategically.

If possible, try to cut down on unnecessary spending by focusing on the essentials. Your room for maneuver will quickly improve.

Your prospects: risk of loss

Although society pushes you to consume more and more, do you really need to accept this constant escalation? If you don't want to waste your money unnecessarily, have the courage to ask yourself the right questions.

From today, a readjustment of your budget is possible. Do you feel ready to change some of your habits?


An overview of your day of March 7

Your sky will today be crossed by Venus, Saturn and Pluto. This particular astral conjunction suggests that you will have difficulty finding that emotional balance necessary to making sustainable decisions.

Although you have a strong desire to move forward and get closer to your dreams, at the same time there is something inside you telling you to be a little more careful. In this context, your behavior will not necessarily be very well understood by the people around you, both at work and at home.

From an emotional point of view, try as much as possible to be honest with your partner. This will make it easier for you to agree with each other. On the professional level, despite your irritability, be careful not to offend your colleagues. That game is definitely not worth the candle.

My tip on how to make the most of today

There are days like this when nothing seems to go your way. Do you want to get through this day without great difficulty? It's very simple, admit your helplessness and be brave enough to postpone making decisions. When the stars are not working in our favor, it is sometimes wiser to bury your head in the sand for the moment, don't you think?

You will have time to focus on your difficulties when the context is more favorable and less explosive! When the context is right, ask for help from the people you really trust. Their advice may point you in the right direction.

The Moon of March 7

First quarter

Out of the shadow into the light! The first quarter moon encourages you to stay on course and stop looking behind you. Despite the doubts you sometimes feel, you have a lot of remarkable qualities and it would be a shame to waste them. Full speed ahead! 

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