Horoscope for Friday, March 07
On this March 7, some of your doubts will surely resurface. In any case, this is what the presence of Saturn in your sky suggests. Don't give up too soon, they could actually prove to be profoundly beneficial to your development!
By agreeing to confront your blockages and managing to separate the wheat from the chaff, you should quickly have a clearer picture of what you would really like to accomplish. In a society that emphasizes performance, it is sometimes difficult to find enough time to think about the meaning you want to give to your life.
Under the influence of Venus, you'll soon understand that it is essential for your well-being that you fully assume your dreams, your aspirations and your values. From today, you will be completely ready to discuss your difficulties with your loved ones. Their support will be invaluable.
Since luck doesn't seem fundamentally on your side on this March 7, it would surely be more reasonable not to do risky things, especially with your money.
Don't worry, your lucky star will be back to watch over you soon. In the meantime, just show a little restraint!
Virgo in love
Although you don't doubt the value of your relationship, today your fears will prevent you from enjoying your partner's presence as much as you should. Right now you need certainty. Happily, thanks to Mercury, you will be able to talk to your partner about your doubts and they will try to reassure you as much as possible.
Their gentleness and empathy will be deeply reassuring for you. Single Virgos will try to make the most of life's pleasures. A meeting is possible, even if there is little chance that it will turn into a true love story.
In a relationship: express yourself freely
Rest assured, it is perfectly normal to have doubts when you want to have a long term relationship with someone! These fears have a function: to protect you from the injuries you'll suffer if your relationship doesn't work out as well as you hope.
But, if you don't take the trouble to disentangle the true from the false, your fears also have the power to mislead you. This is why today you will try to have an honest discussion with your partner so as to be reassured about your future together.
Single: hedonism suits you
At the moment you want to express your desire freely. After all, life is too short not to enjoy it as often as possible! So, influenced by Venus, no one is going to have to invite you to take the lead and put yourself in the spotlight.
Since you have perfectly mastered the unspoken rules of seduction, it is likely that someone will fall under your spell today! It's up to you to decide if the game is worth the cost. You are without a doubt old enough to make a wise choice!
Virgo at work
The presence of Saturn in your sky is a testament to the difficulties you are currently having in enjoying your time at work. Although you are not lacking in self-confidence, you find that the repetitive nature of your tasks doesn't show your skills in their best light.
Therefore, today you'll begin to dream of a new professional project, perhaps more in line with your values and your vision of life. If you want change to happen, first take the time to work on your fears and worries.
Opportunities: you need to work on yourself
Although your experience allows you to think calmly about the rest of your career, you're still not sure what path you would like to take.
The fear of change is paralyzing you and preventing you from acting. Mercury should allow you to openly express your doubts to people you trust. Take note of their advice, it could prove invaluable.
Virgo and money
Like many of your loved ones, sometimes you would like to have a little more financial leeway. You know, however, that you are on the right track and that sooner or later your efforts will pay off.
There is therefore no reason to change your approach at this time. The money will eventually arrive!
Your prospects are encouraging
The presence of Mercury in your sky tells me you are particularly attached to the ideas of change and progress.
Your ability to adapt and think about your future are your most valuable assets. No one will need to beg you to accept your luck if an investment opportunity were to be put on the table.
An overview of your day of March 7
With an astral conjunction centered around Mercury and Saturn a great trend is emerging. Despite your willingness, you seem to be doubting some of your life choices at the moment and are not sure what the future holds for you.
In your emotional life, you will naturally feel the need to confide your doubts and fears to your partner. Your goal isn't to question the value of your relationship, but to better define the goals that you would like to achieve together. Your partner's words will certainly reassure you.
From a professional point of view, the idea of a change will germinate in your mind. After all, why settle for a situation that isn't entirely satisfactory to you? However, don't act too quickly on this. Not all opportunities are good for you.
My tip on how to make the most of today
Since it is by agreeing to question your certainties that you give yourself the best chance of personal growth, don't feel guilty about your doubts. The questions you are currently asking yourself indicate a clear desire to move forward and a refusal to be satisfied with good enough.
Over time, and with the support of those close to you, you should have no trouble finding the answers you seek. So accept this period of introspection with a light heart, as it could quickly allow you to consider your future with more confidence. After all, doesn't the sunshine always follow the rain?