Horoscope for Friday, March 07
In view of your astral conjunction, it is obvious that today you'll be gripped by internal conflicts, which you'll have a hard time solving on your own. These difficulties are easily explained by the joint presence of Saturn and Uranus in your sky.
While the first of these 2 planets will encourage you to cling onto your current certainties and habits, the second will encourage you to obey any passing impulses you feel. Obviously, therefore, your need for change will clash violently with your need for security.
Although the mechanisms you have put in place to protect yourself from your inner feelings or external aggressions will fulfill their role as a brake, they will also prevent you from taking a direction that's more in keeping with your real desires. To get out of this quandary you'll need to ask yourself the right questions, and have the courage to take calculated risks.
This may seem surprising to you at first, but your lucky star is indeed watching over you on this March 7.
Despite the inner conflicts that you will likely have to overcome, the presence of Neptune in your sky suggests that you are about to take a direction in perfect harmony with your values and your desires. It is all coming together very nicely.
Sagittarius in love
The emotional climate in which you will operate may be particularly ambivalent on this March 7. Although you are very aware that your relationship is far from satisfactory, you'll also be scared to talk to your partner about your doubts.
This internal conflict will almost certainly make you feel very tense and unable to really enjoy being with your partner. Are you single? Your idealized view of love will prevent you from spotting your real opportunities. Perhaps now is the time to question some of your certainties? Uranus advises it.
In a relationship: you're facing a blockage
The desire for security that Saturn is inducing will tend to make you lose sight of the fact that you have other needs that are not being met at the moment. Try to remember that to be really fulfilled in any relationship you need to feel free to express your dreams and aspirations.
Therefore, starting from today, you'll be thinking about the most effective way to communicate what is bothering you. Don't forget, this is the price of freedom!
Single: some hard questions?
The passage of Neptune in your sky suggests that you have an ultra romantic vision of love, some might even say you live in a fantasy world! Rather than enjoying all the good things about being single, this Friday you'll tend to get lost in dreams and building castles in the air.
Deep down, do you really think this approach is the right one? A little pragmatism would be helpful. If you want your situation to change, you need to tackle your difficulties.
Sagittarius at work
Your professional life will cause you a lot of worry on this March 7. Deep down, you think you deserve better and are able to take on more important responsibilities. Your difficulty in making decisions, however, will certainly force you to accept the status quo.
Take advice from Neptune, which urges you to take more notice of your innermost desires and work towards fulfilling them. Remember that you have a right to be happy. Are you looking for a new job? Your planning skills may well work in your favor.
Opportunities: show courage
The passage of Uranus in your sky can be considered as a favorable sign for the development of your professional situation.
Under the influence of this planet in the weeks to come you'll conquer your anxieties and accept the virtues of change. Several opportunities for development will probably spark your interest. It's up to you to choose the one that best suits you.
Sagittarius and money
On this March 7, you will clearly feel the need to reassure yourself of your ability to provide financial security for your household.
Under the influence of Saturn, you will also explore several avenues for improvement such as better management of your budget and investing your savings in secure banking products. Your future is being constructed moment by moment.
Gains and losses: your efforts will pay off in the long-term
In your opinion, improving your financial situation must first and foremost be thought of in the long term. In #mois and #mois2, the likelihood that you'll take reckless risks with your money is therefore slim.
Your determined effort and your sacrifices will bear fruit sooner or later. So you have no reason to change course.
An overview of your day of March 7
Ruled by Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, your astral conjunction highlights a number of problems. You've obviously not forgotten your childhood dreams but today you'll find it difficult to take concrete action towards fulfilling them, as if your emotional blockages or traumas were preventing you from making real decisions.
This feeling of confinement could also create frustration if you are currently in a serious romantic relationship. To feel more fulfilled, it might be wise to accept the benefits of change. From a professional point of view, today you'll have the courage to explore the possibilities of development available to you, even if there is little chance that your consideration will lead to a concrete act at the moment.
The first seeds of your future life will nevertheless be planted. You will be able to move forward when the context is more suitable!
My tip on how to make the most of today
Don't take your current difficulty in making decisions as evidence of weakness. Changing course is a destabilizing process, which always requires a little time to be properly understood. The period of reflection that you are starting today will allow you to take stock of your current situation and be more precise about your new objectives.
It could therefore prove to be invaluable for your next development. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't feel guilty about not having all the answers to your questions. They will come with time!