Horoscope for Friday, January 24
During this day placed under the influence of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, you will have to grit your teeth a little, especially in your love life. If you are in a relationship, you are particularly affected by this atmosphere which puts you in turmoil. You realize that you've somehow missed an entire part of your partner's life.
So what were you doing at the time? You feel a little jealous but since it was you that chose to step to one side, you have no-one to blame but yourself. If you are single, you may want to get carried away by a grand passion. However, Saturn is here to catch you by the suspenders and add a dose of reality to your romance.
Professionally, you are determined to achieve the goal you've set yourself and won't let anyone or anything stand in your way. You are motivated like never before. On the financial side, you can afford to spend a little, and Saturn is sufficient of a killjoy to stop you spending every cent you have.
When it comes to luck, the Aquarius astral climate is giving you some solid friendly support to stop you committing follies in your relational sphere. Jupiter plays the guardian angel and pushes a lot of problems out of your way.
And despite your inner emotional turmoil, you have a certain material stability. And whatever happens, you'll be a cat today and always land on your feet.
Aquarius in love
In love, the Aquarius astral climate will shake you to your core today. If you are in a relationship, you find that somehow your situation is completely out of your hands and things are not at all what you thought. Mars makes you feel angry, but you can't afford to express it out loud because in effect you are in a trap of your own making.
Because you haven't communicated enough about important things, your partner has ended up living a life completely separate to yours and you didn't see anything coming until today. If you are single, you will probably be lucky enough to meet someone you like enormously, but don't let yourself get carried away immediately or you risk losing your head. It's impossible to know someone's real intentions when you’ve only just met them.
In a relationship: you can't explode
Under the effect of Mars, you feel that antagonism and things unsaid have the upper hand in your relationship. Today, you are desperate to know what your partner is up to. But today's configuration doesn't help you satisfy your curiosity because Saturn is blockading you in.
You are tied hand and foot and you are paying the price for your lack of communication. You can see that your partner has moved on without you and this creates a feeling of instability that has you all in a lather.
Single: lucky chance or mirage?
This Friday, Jupiter puts someone very special in your path. Influenced by Mars, you feel that thunderclap and are ready to succumb to overwhelming passion. You see this as the perfect miracle, specially organized for you by the Universe, and lose all sense of reality.
However, Saturn will bring you brutally back down to earth by reminding you that you cannot possibly know if someone is trustworthy when you've only known them a few hours. Remember that toxic personalities can easily have angelic faces. Keep your guard up.
Aquarius at work
At work, the Aquarius astral climate this Friday sees you filled with motivation to move your projects forward. With Mars and Jupiter in your sky, you are pumped up to start the process and make contact with influential people who can help with what you're building.
You're looking to build strong partnerships with people you can count on down the road. Saturn helps you stay vigilant about the choice you make to be sure of not having problems with your associates later on.
Opportunities: if you can assert yourself
This January 24, even if Jupiter is your ally in your quest for the ideal job, Saturn is not going to make your life easy. You will have to fight to get your place in the sun today because no one is going to make it happen for you.
Whether you want a promotion or want to make a good impression during a job interview, you will have to let people see your potential and impress them with your charisma. This is the price for getting what you want today because when Mars is in your astral sky there is no room for lukewarm efforts in your relations.
Aquarius and money
On the financial side the Aquarius astral climate may be a little mixed this January 24. If you are going through a legal process to recover money owed to you, Jupiter should help you to succeed this Friday.
However, even if justice has ruled, Saturn asks you to be patient before you can actually get your money back. With Mars around, you are not necessarily an example of patience today, but the stars leave you with no choice but to bear with it.
Gains and losses:
This Friday, Jupiter favors your finances, and you are delighted see your money is looking good. You are dying to go out and spend even though Saturn begs you to be reasonable.
Today you have the means to spend money indulging yourself, making some home improvements, or simply investing in your everyday well-being.
An overview of your day of January 24
This January 24 is not a peaceful day for Aquarius because you are upset by the trio of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In your love life, good news awaits if you're single. You may well meet a very special person who'll quickly turn your heart upside down.
Nevertheless, Saturn advises you to keep a cool head and wait until you know more about them before embarking on serious projects together. Aquarius already in a relationship will have a more difficult time. You suspect your partner is hiding things from you. But really, how can you reproach them when you've taken so little notice of them lately? Use it or lose it, as they say! In short, stay calm and dignified. Letting your anger be seen won't help you, anyway.
Professionally, it's now or never to show the full extent of your talents. Today, you absolutely have to make a strong impression to demonstrate what you are capable of.
My advice for making the most of today
This day will ask you to be able to control your impulsiveness to get the most out of your situation. It is essential you master your inner fire and advance your pawns one by one like on a chessboard. A misstep could be fatal to you, especially in your love life where you are already in a hurry. Take events with as much composure as possible and don't make a big deal out of it if you see that something is missing.
You can't control everything anyway. The important thing is to know how to recover when upsetting events occur. And remember to try to see things from other points of view than your own. Because taking some distance from things often helps you to find a solution to the problem.