Horoscope for Monday, February 24

Today Virgos have one of the best possible combinations of planets in their astral skies. Mercury and Venus invite you to express yourself with kindness and bring some sweetness to your life. It's a day filled with great opportunities and Jupiter is a major contributor to your success, offering golden opportunities on a platter.

You are truly lucky on this February 24. In your love life, you stop your fruitless struggles and decide to develop in the same direction as your partner. If you are single, it's the blue sky after the storm of recent times, and you experience some calm that is good for your morale.

Professionally, you have all the assets you need to climb a long way up the ladder, and also to find the right people to lean on to help you in your progress. Financially, you don't want to torture your mind with money matters. Since everything is fine, why bother?


When it comes to luck, today's astral climate is exceptional to say the least. Mercury protects you from delays of all kinds.

Everything related to work, communication, financial transactions and romantic relationships receives support from Jupiter and Venus. So perhaps today is the day to buy yourself a lottery ticket!


Virgo in love

The Virgo astral climate in love is filled with positive vibes thanks to Venus and Jupiter. If you are in a relationship, you let go of your doubts and stop your inner struggle because you understand you need to take the next step with your loved one. You can no longer resist change because you know that a relationship must grow in order to last.

If you are single, you have had your share of hardships and misfortunes, but all of this is now behind you and you are slowly getting back on your feet. You are gradually healing a heart bruised by disappointments in love. You are reaching out to people who offer you the tenderness and gentleness you need.

In a relationship: Venus favors your projects

If you are in a relationship, you are aware that if you want to keep your partner in your life you need to put your existential questions to one side. The time for procrastinating is over, action is what's needed.

Jupiter encourages you to find different ways to engage with your partner. It may be something as simple as a declaration of love, or something more concrete like moving in together, getting married or starting a family. And even if your words are awkward, they're sure to touch the heart of the person they are destined for.

Single: you are on the right track

With Venus and Jupiter, dating is favored for Virgos who are single. As you are emerging from an emotionally complicated period, what you are looking for above all is tenderness, the kind of relationship that helps you heal and restore your self-confidence.

It looks like your wish has been heard by the Universe, and there may be a new person coming into your life this Monday to give you the stability and protection you need.


Virgo at work

At work the Virgo astral sky favors career growth. Mercury encourages exchanges of all kinds and Jupiter adds the luck which will help you to form interesting, solid and fruitful partnerships.

This February 24 is synonymous with passing exams, but also with the idea of progress in your current job. If you are planning to set up on your own, now is the time to get started because all the indicators are green.

Opportunities: to regain a solid stability

This February 24 marks the end of a period of instability for Virgos looking for work. Mercury and Jupiter give you a helping hand so that your application stands out and interests recruiters.

You know how to find the right words and you have an answer to all the questions that you might be asked. Make the most of this favorable period!

Virgo and money

The financial astral climate for Virgos is encouraging you to spend and get exactly what you want. Venus is no stranger to this fact because it makes you appreciate everything that is beautiful and expensive.

Do you want to travel? Revamp your wardrobe? Buy a new car? Shower your partner with gifts? However, make sure you don't overdo it and end up in the red!

Gains and losses: you attract money like a magnet

They say that money breeds money. Obviously, you have no problem there, in fact everything you touch turns to gold at the moment, or almost.

Whether it's income from your job, your diverse and varied investments, or a legacy from your old uncle in Europe, you can rest easy because Jupiter protects your assets like well-guarded treasure.


An overview of your day of February 24

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter offer Virgos a dream day of the type you would like more often. If you are single and looking for love the Universe takes your wishes as orders. You have every chance of meeting someone who will come to be a real blessing in your life.

If you are in a relationship, you take that extra step that brings you closer to the abundance and stability you aspire to. Professionally, everything goes without a hitch whatever your situation. Whether you are looking for a job, want to start a new partnership or set up your own company, the way is clear for you to achieve your goals.

Financially, you don't really have any limits today when it comes to the desire to please yourself. There may be compulsive shopping on the agenda for this day, so be careful not to overheat your credit card!

My advice for making the most of today

The influences of this day give you a small taste of perfection and omnipotence and that can easily give you a big head. To enjoy this day without condescending to those who are less fortunate, it is essential to understand that perfection is fleeting.

You can't stay at the top all the time. It takes a lot of patience to access the good things, to be grateful when they finally reach you, and to maintain a certain dose of humility afterwards. Never forget that the Universe can take back anything it has given you with a snap of its fingers. Keeping balance and moderation in all things is the secret to lasting success.

The Moon of February 24

Balsamic Moon

The arrival of the waning crescent moon could mean you feel very tired. If you haven't recently run a marathon, it could just mean that a new cycle is about to begin! 

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