Horoscope for Sunday, February 02

With Jupiter around, Virgos could have an idyllic day, but that's without counting on the Moon and Saturn to put a damper on things. You will have to face multiple and varied blockages which could be material or psychological.

In your love life, this day is likely to bring its share of hardships for couples as well as singles. If you are already in a relationship the unpleasant events should be temporary; but if you are single, you'll become very aware of it.

Professionally, you are progressing slowly but surely in the right direction and even if your opportunities are not dazzling, you will have the means to succeed. Financially, you risk paying for your lack of responsiveness and good opportunities could pass unnoticed right under your nose. Keep your eyes open and use your common sense!


Fortunate Virgos, luck seems to be on your side this Sunday. Jupiter's influence should prevent you making bad choices today, especially when it comes to relationships.

Your lucky star protects you from some disastrous decisions that would entail a lot of worry and guilt.


Virgo in love

When it comes to love the astral climate for Virgos is very mixed. If you are in a relationship, Saturn doesn't like relationships that work too well, so will spice things up with a few obstacles designed to test the strength of your couple.

On the other hand, if you are single, you dream of balance, softness and lightness. However, the relationship that you have just started doesn't seem to reflect your dreams. If you have any doubts, then get out now, before you get trapped. You have what you need to get out before it's too late.

In a relationship: a test that strengthens your bond

Life for Virgos isn't always a bed of roses and you'll definitely agree with that on this February 2. You may be really happy with your relationship, but today the Universe, represented by Saturn, has decided to put it to the test.

On the program: misunderstandings and problems that could damage your relationship but as luck is on your side you should pass this test with flying colors. This day will prove to you that your couple is solid and that fate hasn't brought you together for nothing.

Single: the Moon makes you lucid

If you've just started a passionate love affair today you realize that it really doesn't reflect your ideals in terms of the right emotional balance. This relationship seems to bring you more annoyances than happiness.

You realize that you are in the wrong relationship, you're lying to yourself and starting to live in denial instead of blossoming. There is still time to get yourself out of this hell. So don't hesitate to end this relationship before things go too far in the wrong direction.


Virgo at work

Jupiter is shedding a positive influence over the Virgo astral climate at work. You are quietly climbing the ranks and are satisfied with your projects. Some people are about to be promoted but you'll have to be patient and wait a little longer.

Your management see you are serious about your work and they can trust you with a more important position, but your moment in the sun isn't here yet.

Opportunities: offered by Jupiter

On this February 2, Virgos could receive job offers linked to their friends and family. If you have been finding it difficult to get a job through the usual channels you may find your friends coming to your aid and offering you a job that will bring balance to your finances.

It may not be said with a lot of ceremony, but this is a serious offer. And even if you start at the bottom of the ladder, it's a solid proposal. Don't pass it up if it fits your skill set.

Virgo and money

For Virgos the astral climate with regard to finances is a bit on the gloomy side. You were slow to give an answer regarding an investment that could have brought you a lot of money and today you realize that you no longer have the leeway to make up for your mistake.

Saturn blocks your initiatives and you only have yourself to blame for not being reactive enough.

Gains and losses: unforeseen expenses on the program

Many Virgos are thinking about taking a trip or financing a big project, like building a house.

However, you will have to review your plans on this February 2 because Saturn is throwing some big, unforeseen expenses your way to thwart your desires.


An overview of your day of February 2

On this February 2, Virgos will have to be very patient. The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are testing your nerve, especially in your love life. This day you may well see the strength of your relationship tested and find out whether difficulties tend to bring you closer together or push you apart.

However, it looks like you are up to the test, so don't worry too much. On the other hand, if you are single it's time to open your eyes to your situation and take a different path to the one you're on now. You have the right to hope for better than a relationship that stifles you and doesn't help you blossom.

Professionally, you stay serene, whatever happens. You know you'll be noticed sooner or later so you wait patiently for your promotion. Financially, you may have to postpone projects when unexpected expenses occur this Sunday.

My advice for making the most of today

You are likely to feel some frustration today because things won't move as quickly as you'd hoped. You are faced with obstacles and challenges and feel unable to do anything about them. You probably feel helpless, which really annoys you. However, although times are a little troubled, the universe is asking for your trust.

You are undergoing a process of inner transformation that you may not even be aware of and it takes a certain amount of letting go. Don't try to fight it; let yourself be carried along on the tide of events and you'll see that things will sort themselves out without your interference.

The Moon of February 2

Waxing crescent

It is time to move forward and devote yourself fully to this project that means so much to you. Thanks to the waxing crescent moon, you should be able to push your worries to one side and do something concrete. Your energy will be remarkable in every way. Be careful not to make your loved ones jealous! 

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