Horoscope for Sunday, March 09

Ruled by Mars and Uranus, your astral conjunction is definitely placed under the sign of action and change. On this March 9, propelled by forces that you may not be totally in control of, things could change dramatically.

Do you feel ready to take on these upheavals? As you are somewhat tired of your routine, today you'll be ready to step out of your comfort zone to try to find the answers to the questions that have obsessed you for some time now. In recent months, you have tended to neglect some of your needs, put aside some of your dreams, and let go of your favorite activities.

The presence of Venus in your sky indicates that now you are truly motivated to regain lost ground. And too bad if not everyone is comfortable with your behavior, which is a little impulsive it must be said.

It's important to be clear here. No, luck will definitely not be on your side on this March 9.

Despite your legitimate desire to get things done, do not take ill-considered risks with your loves, your career or your money. Wait until the stars are perfectly aligned to try to move forward.


Virgo in love

In view of the astral context, your emotional life may not be easy on this March 9. Under the influence of Uranus, you'll feel a strong need for independence today. As you can imagine, your partner is unlikely to enjoy this tendency to withdraw into yourself or view things from your own perspective.

To ease tensions, a little diplomacy will be required. Are you single? Your overwhelming libido will certainly push you to reach out to other people. However, do you really have something interesting to offer them?

In a relationship: your need for independence will be poorly understood

In the days to come, it will probably be impossible for your partner to understand where you are heading at the moment. One minute you'll want to spend affectionate and tender time with them, and the next you'll be declaring your need for solitude.

So you can easily see that this context could lead to some very heated discussions. You will have to be very clever to convince your partner that your behavior is understandable.

Single: beware of backlash!

The planet Mars in your astral sky will push you to go out and meet people with a view to seduction. Obviously, your attitude cannot be explained by a sudden need to share.

Sexual attraction is what is pushing you. If you don't want to create big waves or hurt today's conquest you need to be up-front from the start. Not everyone has the same intentions as you.


Virgo at work

Despite being a bit too aggressive, you should have no trouble advancing your professional projects this March 9. Like most Virgos in your ascendant, you've never been the type to clock watch or to settle for a situation that doesn't quite suit you.

To set yourself apart from the competition, today you'll be ready to push yourself forward and make the most of your undeniable strengths. The influence of Mars is felt here.

Opportunities: your instinct is reliable

From a professional point of view, everything seems to prove that change is inexorable today. In the days to come, don't forget to keep your eyes open. An opportunity for development may well come your way.

It's up to you to decide if you really feel capable of taking on new responsibilities. Take your decision with a calm and rested head.

Virgo and money

The general astral context, and especially the presence of Uranus in your sky, suggests you need to be careful with your money.

Although your intentions are good, you currently seem inclined to take too big a risk with your savings. You'd be better off not being too impulsive.

Your prospects: nothing new on the horizon

While some of those close to you may be encouraging you to take the initiative, you don't have to follow their financial advice. The most sustainable investments are often the best known.

So, don't leave the beaten track without a very good reason or you may quickly regret your decision.


An overview of your day of March 9

Today, the influence of Mars and Uranus will certainly encourage you to take your destiny back in hand and regain your independence of action. As understandable as it is, this need for individuation is likely to get you into big trouble emotionally speaking, especially if you are in a long-lasting relationship.

How do you think your partner is going to feel about your current need to spend time alone rather than with them? How can you make this bitter pill easier to swallow? Honesty and communication. This desire to conquer could, on the other hand, prove to be very useful in the development of your professional situation.

By pressing the right buttons and showing yourself active, you could quickly be offered new opportunities. From a financial point of view, your impulsiveness will have to be channeled. Unless you really want to squander your savings on a whim? 

My tip on how to make the most of today

What do I advise so that the consequences of this March 9 are not too regrettable? Accept that the powerful emotions that you'll experience today are just a passing fad. Although your desire to advance your projects and get some independence is fully understandable, you should realize that the reality of one day is not necessarily that of the next.

Life is full of ups and downs, so it's better not to give too much importance to these very natural fluctuations. It is during periods of stability that you will make the most lasting decisions.

The Moon of March 9

Waxing gibbous

You are obviously sure you've made the right choices and are completely committed to your projects. Despite this certainty, the waxing gibbous moon advises you to stay open to new things. In the days ahead, keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to indulge your curiosity. 

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