2023 and love for Couples

If you're in a couple, you can definitely be pleased with the planets that will cross your astral sky in 2023. In the coming months, Virgos can expect some helpful developments. In view of your astral conjunction, it seems clear that tenderness will be part of them.

Under the joint influence of Mars and the Moon, you will feel just as comfortable in your couple's everyday routine as you are excited by the changes ahead. Balance should be your keyword in 2023.

And more than ever, you will know when it's the right moment to act. When the situation demands it, you will wait patiently until the time is right. Such psychological acuity is definitely an asset in your relationship. You can be proud of it.

At the beginning of 2023, the meeting of the Moon and Jupiter will encourage you to believe in your lucky star and question some of your preconceived ideas. If you want your relationship to be happy, isn't it necessary to grow together?

From January onwards, this idea will be important to you. It may help you to strengthen your couple through some new joint projects and perhaps rekindle the flame of your passion. In love, it is sometimes dangerous to rely only on what you already know. A little novelty will do you both good!

The aspect described by Mars and Jupiter clearly testifies to the good atmosphere that will reign between you and your partner from April. Good news! It looks like it will be here for some time!

And because you want to breathe new life into your couple, you'll agree to get out of the cozy comfort of your routine together and try new things. The discoveries you are about to make will strengthen the bonds between you and your partner. And don't you think the harmony between you suggests this is the way to go?

The passage of Saturn in the Virgo astral sky seems to indicate that the well-being of your love life will depend to a large extent on your ability to think serenely about a future with your partner. Even though summer is more often associated with being idle than with thinking about future plans, it looks like the time has come for you to be proactive about your couple's future.

To feel fully fulfilled with your partner, it seems you need some answers. When it comes to building a relationship, communication is always key.

You have every reason to be pleased about the passage of Mars into the Virgo astral sky, especially if you believe that your relationship needs a little growth. Under the influence of the red planet, your desire to please your partner and your libido will probably reach record heights, which could, of course, help rekindle the flame of passion.

You can clearly expect to share some pleasurable times with your partner. And when the cold weather is coming back, staying in the warm together is a great idea! Pleasure is also a legitimate part of every life.

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