Monthly Horoscope for September 2025

You are currently facing a particularly interesting combination of planets, which suggests that this September will probably not be emotionally neutral for you. The meeting of Neptune and Uranus indicates that you are now ready to change some of your lifestyle habits and make the decisions that you have been postponing for some time.

Under the influence of these two planets, it looks like the hour of rebellion will soon be sounding! The new winds that will carry you along will lead you to discover new forms of emotion, which you may find a little difficult to manage at first.

Once you get used to your new environment, your daily life can only be better. Rest assured, you have the resources to move forward without stumbling!


A first two weeks under the influence of Neptune

The passage of Neptune in the Libra astral sky should make you look twice, since it testifies to your deep-seated desire to lead the existence you feel you deserve and also your desire not to bury your dreams too quickly.

Like most Libras you have remarkable strength of character, which constantly pushes you to fight to get what you want. Perhaps lately you've neglected some of your basic needs because of fatigue or the daily grind? In the first half of September, Neptune invites you to pay more attention to them.

In the coming weeks, you'll be ready to take off your blinders and take a clear look at your situation and what you'll see probably won't make you feel great. However, the shortcomings you will note will prompt you to make the necessary decisions that will, in turn, lead to change.

A new school year encourages you to sort things out

Libras will take advantage of the start of the school year to do some cleaning up in their daily lives. Once you get rid of what is not useful for your well-being from your daily routine, you will quickly be able to focus exclusively on the things that really matter to you.

The energy you will be able to use in your personal projects will reinforce your enthusiasm for life. It’s important to remember one thing: there's nothing in this world you can't do if you are prepared to fight hard enough to get it.

Full moon of September 07

This September's full moon should be seen as an invitation to relax, spend some time doing nothing and indulge in a little self-care. Its influence will be a useful complement to that of Jupiter. Taking a step back from your everyday worries will help you to feel more serene when you think about your current situation, as it will help you to understand that a fulfilled life is a matter of priorities. It's up to you to know where your balance lies.


A second two weeks crowned with success

You can rejoice in the presence of Jupiter in your astral sky. This planet is very much appreciated by specialists in astrology and it indicates that the changes you are about to make will bear fruit in September. At work or at home, you should experience a pleasant atmosphere that is perfectly conducive to the progress of your projects.

The good mood you'll be in will also encourage you to make improvements to your social life and help you to meet new people. Some of the people you meet could allow you to take on new professional responsibilities.

If you are looking for your soul mate, you should be aware that the current astral climate greatly favors meetings. It must be said that your enthusiasm, charisma and self-confidence actively participate in your sex appeal. And you'll be ready to use these assets.

You will take care of yourself

This second half of September is a boon for Libras who are concerned about their physical and emotional health. By encouraging you to take care of yourself body and soul, Jupiter will make your everyday routine a better place to be.

Under the influence of this planet, you'll be ready to put some of your other responsibilities on hold to focus on activities that will promote your well-being. The last beautiful days of the year will be like an Indian summer for you.

New moon of September 22

In September, the new moon will actively contribute to your emotional development. Are you single? Pay attention to your immediate environment. A meeting would do you good. Are you in a relationship? Because you want this relationship to be long-term you'll do everything you can to make your couple work. Your communication skills work in your favor.

What to remember in September

Passed through by Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, the Libra astral sky highlights your urgent need to implement change in your life and testifies to the emergence of a powerful life force.

In September, thanks to the combination of these planets, you will gather your courage in your hands and try to restore some order to your life. As sudden as they may seem, the changes you are about to put in place are actually the result of a long process of reflection.

As you have never been the type to rest on what you have achieved so far, you feel that they are indispensable to your future well-being. This new dynamic will soon bear fruit. At work and at home, you can therefore expect some very pleasant surprises. What more can you ask for?

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