The week of August 25
Do you sometimes feel like you're missing out on some of life's pleasures? Are you deliberately depriving yourself of its joys? Do you worry so much about the well-being of your friends and family that you forget about your own happiness?
If so, you can look forward to this meeting of Neptune and Jupiter in the Aries astral sky! From the beginning of this week, you will seek to rethink your daily routine and give more importance to your own aspirations.
Although the influence of these two planets could also manifest itself in your professional life, it is in your personal sphere that it will be the most strongly felt. In the days to come, therefore, you can expect a number of changes, which are sure to reinstate that feeling of excitement that you find an essential part of a satisfying life.
The week of September 01
The combination of planets in the Aries astral sky this week of 1 to 7 September is a truly beautiful one! The meeting of Neptune and Pluto should particularly attract your attention.
Under the influence of these two planets, you will be willing to question some of your most anchored certainties, but also to take another look at your memories of past events. If you are completely honest with yourself, you will soon realize that your future well-being depends on you having a better understanding of some of the most significant experiences in your life.
As a result, the next few days will be very much under the sign of introspection and consciousness raising. This is an important step in the process of personal growth that is so important to you. Congratulations!
The week of September 08
Do you find your daily routine is no longer as satisfying as it used to be? This is not surprising given the planets present in your sky, and you can expect change in this week of 8 to 14 September.
The passage of Uranus invites Aries to accept the need to get out of their comfort zone and implement the changes they have already been considering for several months. As reassuring as it is, your routine does not always allow you to fully exploit your potential.
The days to come will therefore be particularly conducive to decision-making and action. Despite this new dynamic, however, do not rush into action and carefully consider the potential consequences of it. The influence of Saturn can be felt here.
The week of September 15
If you were expecting a major change that would have an immediate effect on the course of your destiny this astral configuration could disappoint you.
Governed by Saturn and Mercury the context is more conducive to considering and planning your future than to taking decisions and acting on them. So, from the beginning of the week of 15 to 21 September, under the influence of these two planets, you will take some time to look as clearly as possible at the reality of your life.
This should help you get a better understanding of the little frustrations that have insinuated themselves into it recently. If you want to have a more satisfying routine in the future, you'll need to review your route map. These new perspectives will make you feel calmer about the future.
The week of September 22
The planets crossing your skies this week of 22 to 28 September suggest that the days ahead will be rich in introspection and emotion. Under the influence of Pluto, Aries can expect to be diving into childhood memories to seek answers to the problems they are experiencing today.
To know where you want to go, you first need to understand where you have come from. Therefore, as I'm sure you can imagine, this could be an intense week from an emotional point of view, especially if you need to confront significant events in your past.
By facing your fears, you will give yourself a better chance of creating a more serene future. This game is definitely worth the candle.
The week of September 29
Making progress in your quest for personal growth will depend on your ability to reinvent your daily life. This is the message conveyed by the planets in your astral sky this week of September 29 to 5 October.
The respective positions of Neptune and Uranus are particularly interesting in this respect, since they suggest that today you feel strong enough to create a new dynamic in your life and that henceforth you’ll be more willing to embrace the virtues of change. In the past you've had a tendency to put off making decisions.
Today's Aries astral conjunction suggests that you are no longer so afraid. In this context, it is possible that your personal growth will be at the center of your preoccupations in the days to come.