Monthly Horoscope for December 2025

Good news! You could not have hoped for a more advantageous combination of planets! The meeting of the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in the Taurus astral sky is the promise that December will be a source of joy, tenderness and success for you.

At work and at home, you will be filled with amazing enthusiasm, which will allow you to get fully involved in the projects that are important to you and to explore the field of possibilities that are open to you. Under the influence of these 3 planets, the promises of the future will undoubtedly seem more exciting than usual.

During this holiday season, your good mood will have a clear impact on the people who surround you. While no major changes are expected in the short term, you know you have the resources to make your dreams come true. This simple observation is enough to make you smile.


The Sun's rays soothe and warm you

In the first two weeks of December, the passage of the Sun through the Taurus sky indicates you will be in a more cheerful state of mind than usual. Although there are no drastic changes to be expected from your situation in the immediate future, you know how to recognize the benefits you do have.

By choosing to make the good things in your life more important than the difficulties you will soon find that your daily routine is more pleasant than you had thought.

Although some people see the glass as half empty, you obviously prefer to see it half full. This optimism is to your credit. In the coming weeks, it will help you build on your positive momentum to seize the opportunities life has to offer, without fear.

The spirit of the holidays can be felt

The prospects of happy reunions, the beautiful lights along the streets in the evening, the shop windows full of good things: this December you'll be filled with the spirit of the holidays.

Under the influence of the Sun, you'll have a great time preparing, thinking about the gifts that are likely to please your loved ones. This year, you'll be focusing on their well-being. After all, the ties we have with our loved ones are the most important things in our lives.

Full moon of December 04

In December, the full moon will encourage you to offer your love life the nourishment it needs to thrive. As you probably know, routine can be a good thing for a couple, but it can also be paralyzing. In December, you will understand the necessity to feed the flame of your love and get off the beaten track of routine. This desire for renewal may also allow singles to find partners.


A particularly serene second half of the month

You should find the second half of December is particularly serene and full of plans. Although you are well aware that your everyday life is not perfect you prefer to think about its development calmly and rationally.

As is the case for most Taurus, you tend to think that decisions that are going to be long-lasting need to be thought about carefully first. The astral climate of December will only reinforce this conviction. By daring to explore the field of possibilities without feeling an urgent need to act, your prospects will probably seem more numerous than usual.

This idea will not displease you since you enjoy staying in control of your destiny. It is up to you, then, to decide which direction you would like to take.

Professional promises?

Would you like to feel your professional life is completely fulfilling? The Moon suggests that your well-being depends as much on the quality of the atmosphere around you as on the responsibilities you have. In the second half of December, you will naturally seek to ease latent tensions and create links with some of your colleagues.

Are you looking for a new job? Your chances of success are higher than you think.

New moon of December 19

December's new moon advises you not to make too much fuss about the small inconveniences of your everyday life but instead focus on your long-term projects. It will encourage you to put things that aren't worth struggling over to one side and not waste your energy on the unnecessary. In life, you need to separate the essential from the superfluous.

What to remember in December

In view of your astral conjunction, this month of December may well bring you some surprises. Crossed by the Sun, Mercury and Saturn, your astral sky is clearly a testament to your enthusiasm for life and your will to move forward.

Although you are aware of the imperfect nature of your daily life, you currently have enough time to detach yourself from it so you don't make decisions too hastily. Since you are not in a hurry to act and you have full confidence in your ability to project yourself, your perspectives will surely delight you.

In this favorable context, you will quickly see how sweet and pleasant life can be. We are all entitled to aspire to a little tranquility in a world full of bullies.

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