Monthly Horoscope for December 2025

In view of the planets present in your astral sky, everything suggests that this month of December will be a particularly rewarding one for you. Under the joint influence of Mercury, Mars and Neptune, Sagittarius can expect to feel full of energy, especially when it comes to their professions or their love lives.

Do you want to make some advances with your life project? Would you like to break some of your bad habits? The stars are definitely favorable to you. Despite your current enthusiasm for life, however, you won't feel compelled to act or constrained by time.

Like most Sagittarius, you have long been aware that sustainable decisions are always considered in the long-term. In the coming weeks, you will therefore take the time to think carefully about the solutions available to you and the potential consequences of your choices.


A first two weeks under the influence of Neptune

You can rejoice in the presence of Neptune in your astral sky. Very much appreciated by astrology specialists, this planet will encourage you to make your dreams a reality and question some of your choices.

Thanks to it, you will have the courage to take off your blindfold and take an honest look at your situation, without looking away every time you see something that you don't really like. After all, you have never been the type to accept in the long-term a situation that doesn't really suit you.

You know full well that being aware of your mistakes is not an admission of failure. On the contrary, in your opinion, it is a chance to rectify the situation and move forward. In the first half of the month, that is what you want deep down inside yourself.

The end of autumn announces a new cycle

Don't be surprised to feel the need to change some of your habits at the beginning of the month. As most people wait until January to make good resolutions, you will be a bit ahead this year!

The planets present in your sky suggest that you'll feel the strongest need to look at your work/life balance. You will soon realize that there are many solutions available to you. Good news, in short!

Full moon of December 04

This December's full moon is a boon for #signs_adj worried about the quality of their emotional life. Under its influence you will feel infinitely tender towards the people who are important to you and will want to express your gratitude to them. As a result, the bonds that tie you together should be strengthened. Don't forget your loved one are the strongest foundation on which to base your personal growth.


A second two weeks to take action

The meeting of Mars and Mercury is a favorable sign for change in your situation. Under the influence of these two planets, you will feel brave enough to put your thoughts into action and begin to implement the changes you want.

In this lively context, it is very likely that your daily life will evolve quickly, especially from a professional point of view. Since you don't feel that your action is urgent you will take your time to define the broad lines of your strategy more precisely.

It should include several stopping points which will give you the time later on to contemplate how far you have come. If you are in a couple, you can count on the support of your partner, who will be a perfect ally for you. Who better than your partner to guide you onto a path that truly reflects your hopes and dreams?

The holiday spirit helps you refocus

Although you haven't always been comfortable during the holiday season, this year it will help you clear your mind and spend time recharging your batteries surrounded by your loved ones.

When you get back into the swing of things after a few days of rest, you will be better prepared than ever for the challenges you'll face. It's always better to begin the fight in full health, both physically and spiritually.

New moon of December 19

In December, the new moon encourages you to challenge some of your unhealthy habits and implement change. Like many #signs_adj, your potential expresses itself best in novelty. So don't be afraid to change certain aspects of your daily life. Only by exploring the field of possibilities will you find a way of living in perfect harmony with your values.

What to remember in December

From a general point of view, you can be satisfied with the stars present in your astral sky in December. Governed by Mercury, Mars and Neptune, your astral conjunction testifies to your attachment to your system of values, but also to your deep desire to move forward.

The energy you will feel in the coming weeks will be remarkable in every respect. You will use it to implement the changes that you have been thinking about for several months already. In this process of personal growth, you have many strengths you can count on, not least your unfailing sincerity.

It will help you separate what is important from what isn’t and be completely honest with yourself about your current situation. Your planning skills are also a great contribution to the progress of your project.

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