Weekly Horoscope for the week of February 24

The planets present in the Taurus astral sky clearly warn you against the dangers of impulsiveness. The presence of the Moon and Uranus testify to your fierce desire to make changes to your current life, but also to the difficulties you will have throughout the week in staying clear headed.

If you have to make important decisions, this impetuosity could harm you. So be careful not to rush ahead too quickly! The passage of Neptune indicates that you will be overflowing with enthusiasm and a tendency to be over optimistic from the beginning of this week of February 24 to 2 March.

So it may be a question of taking a step back from trying to solve the issues you are currently facing.

When it comes to love, you will have a tendency to put the cart before the horse and become deeply attached to projects that are not destined to last. If you are currently single, make sure you know how to distinguish between physical attraction and true love. The stakes are definitely not the same.

At work, your desire to do well will be evident from February 24 to 2 March. This is a state of mind that could allow you to climb the ladder faster than expected, especially if you manage not to tread on anyone's toes on the way. It's up to you!


This week, beware the dangers of impulsiveness

This week of February 24 to 2 March should be particularly interesting for Taurus who want to see their current situation develop and change. Nevertheless, the boundless energy you will feel throughout the week may not always be a good thing since you will have difficulty channeling it and using it wisely.

In this particular astral context, the chances are that you could make decisions that you will quickly regret. So as not to make mistakes, why don't you get some advice from people you really trust? Since the human experience is universal some of them must have already experienced similar problems to the ones you are currently facing.

Do not under any circumstances neglect the importance of having these discussions. They could help cast a new light over your current problems.

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