Work and finance in 2023

Are you committed to ensuring the material security of your home and family? Would you like to know how astrology could help provide answers to some of your questions? You should be happy to see the planets that will be present in the Libra astral sky in 2023!

The meeting of the Moon and Neptune should please you, since it suggests that in the coming months, you'll get a better understanding of your true aspirations and will be able to step back from the self-imposed norms that sometimes dictate your behavior. This is the price of freedom!

The aspect described by Saturn and Uranus is also interesting. It indicates that you will be able to push things ahead when the time is right but also recognize the need to take your time if the situation demands it. The idea of harmony is present here too.

You can look forward to the meeting of the Moon and Saturn, two planets that will undoubtedly help you to be more precise about the professional and material objectives you would like to achieve one day. When it comes to personal growth, it is always better to know how you are going to achieve it.

Nevertheless, as the Libra astral conjunction indicates, you still need a little more patience before you can take full advantage of your decisions. But that's ok, you can manage that!

After thought it's time to act. At least this, in short, is the message clearly conveyed by the passage of Uranus through the Libra astral sky in spring. The beginning of 2023 should have helped you get a better understanding of what you really want from your career and your material security. Spring will offer you the opportunity to turn thoughts into deeds and act on the changes you consider necessary.

The new dynamic you are considering will actively contribute to your continued growth. An infinite field of possibilities will soon open up to you. Feel free to explore it at your leisure. Pleasant surprises are to be expected.

The aspect described by Mars and Venus leaves little doubt about your state of mind this summer. By the end of June, your overflowing energy will make you remarkably efficient and let you give your creativity free rein.

Your boldness and your people skills will be your most remarkable assets. These qualities may also offer you the opportunity to meet some interesting people. Some of them could be more important for the rest of your career than you first think.

The passage of Saturn in the Libra astral sky at the end of 2023 is interesting because it suggests you'll soon feel the need to take a step back from your current problems. Your material situation is no longer the same as it was at the beginning of the year. Do you feel you have made as much progress as you expected?

From October, you will want to take stock so you can work out the route you want to take from now on. In any case, it shouldn’t be long before new challenges come your way.

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