2023 and love for Singles

Are you single and would you like to meet someone who will love you for who you really are? Several signs suggest that you might find someone who fits the bill in the coming months. In 2023, therefore, you will need to keep your eyes open for opportunities for meeting new people!

The aspect described by the Moon and Neptune is interesting in this respect because it suggests that this year you will be keen to understand your own psychology a little better. This astral encounter should also help you get rid of the emotional blockages that sometimes prevent you from being as comfortable around others as you could be. However, your sincerity will be very attractive.

The presence of Uranus in the Libra astral sky suggests that change will be in the air during 2023. Does this new dynamic mean that special meeting is approaching? Only time will tell.

Although the astral context is not particularly favorable to meeting someone, nevertheless, it could help you to get a better understanding of the emotional blockages that sometimes prevent you reaching out to people who interest you.

The meeting of the Moon and Saturn can therefore be seen as a good augury for improving your love life, even if you will still have to be patient before you can take advantage of this period of introspection. In life, there is a time for everything.

After thought it's time to act. At least this, in short, is the message clearly conveyed by the passage of Uranus through the Libra astral sky in spring. From April, under the joint influence of Uranus and Neptune, you will be particularly motivated by the idea of expanding your social circle and meeting new people.
You will radiate self-confidence.

Obviously, after a rather calm start to the year from this point of view, the context will be much more favorable to meeting new people and exchanging with them. The ball is in your court!

The aspect described by Mars and Venus leaves little doubt about your state of mind this summer. In the coming weeks, you will obviously be in the mood to tease, and fully aware of all your qualities.

Rather than trying to stick with what you know and believe, you'll want to take some considered risks. What you learn from the people you are about to meet could mark the beginning of a new dynamic. No reason not to be enthusiastic, in short!

The passage of Saturn in the Libra astral sky at the end of 2023 is interesting because it suggests you'll soon feel the need to take a step back from your current problems. From October, therefore, you will want to take stock of how things have changed in your emotional life, so you can be sure of what you’ve learned.

What is your goal? To get an even better understanding of your emotional needs. As you have seen on many occasions, life is a constant process of learning. That's what makes it so charming.

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