Monday, February 24
This February 24 won't necessarily be a very easy day to negotiate because the association of Venus, Saturn and Neptune can really shake up different areas of your life. In fact, you're not going to be able to ignore what is causing you pain.
So Sagittarius who are in a relationship may find it's time to start a revolution. Whether it's a peaceful one or not, you need to start using your personal power again, because you've neglected it for too long. Single Sagittarius should find this is the perfect day to let go of things that still spoil your life. It's time to get back on track but on a healthier basis!
Professionally, you may have to grit your teeth and be flexible in order to accept the changes that take place around you whether you want them or not. I know that, like most Sagittarius, you don't like unexpected change but here you have no choice and you need to accept it. And who knows? You may eventually find it really suits you!
Tuesday, February 25
Today, the Sagittarius astral sky is crossed by three important planets, namely Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. From a general point of view, this astral association can be considered an excellent omen for your development, although it also warns you of a number of dangers.
At work and at home, today you seem to be in a position to reap the rewards of your efforts. And no one will have to beg you to enjoy that. It looks clear that on this February 25 you are entering a positive spiral which will allow you to follow your instincts freely and get closer to your dreams.
You are well aware of the responsibilities incumbent on you and the obligations of adult life, but you will still be able to get fully involved in the projects that are important to you so you can give your daily life more meaning. However, be careful not to delude yourself and keep your safeguards in place.
Wednesday, February 26
The presence of Venus, Saturn and Pluto will bring intense energies to this February 26. On the menu today are likely to be relationship tensions and frustrations, but that will also push you to come out of your shell. Things that you've put up with until now you'll enjoy making a point of refusing today. This is particularly the case if you are in a relationship. In fact, I'd say your patience has reached its limits and you are determined you're not going to compromise any more. You finally remember your well-being counts too, and you act accordingly. If you're single, you're making a big turn around and breaking out of the destructive patterns that have plagued your love life. Well done, you've come a long way! Professionally, you have the opportunity to create a fine project but only if you follow all the steps. Don't rush otherwise you'll run headfirst into disaster! Fortunately, luck should be on your side to help you avoid some dangers.
Thursday, February 27
The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the Sagittarius astral sky is a strange one. In view of this particular astral association, it goes without saying that today you will be tugged along by two different energies, one pushing you to security and long-term thinking, the other to reform and change.
In life, sometimes you have to be wary of appearances and first impressions. Are these antagonistic energies really irreconcilable? As the presence of Jupiter suggests, this meeting may indeed create your success. If you have put sufficient thought into them then the changes you will agree to on this February 27 are likely to bear fruit in the more or less distant future.
Obviously, you will be concerned about your future today. You will also be ready to make many sacrifices to ensure the stability of your situation in the long term. Significant changes are to be expected.
Friday, February 28
The least I can say about today is that with the presence of Venus, Uranus and Neptune, Sagittarius won't have time to be bored. In love, there is good and not so good for some Sagittarius. If you are in a relationship, you might try something new in an effort to rekindle the flame with your partner, but it's a waste of time. It seems that, despite your willingness, your good intentions are just too late.
Your loved one doesn't seem to be at all receptive to your efforts to improve the situation between the two of you. If you are single, on the other hand, it's time to take stock so you don't keep on repeating the same patterns that are stopping you from getting out of your current situation.
Professionally, not everyone is good and kind. You finally open your eyes to the people who work with you and you don't like what you see. It is time to act to raise the bar and quickly! Financially, you may need to invest in a lawyer to improve your professional situation. Be brave, you'll soon see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Saturday, March 01
In view of your astral conjunction, it would seem that you are about to experience a day full of events, which will undoubtedly allow you to get closer to the goals you would like to achieve.
The presence of Venus in the Sagittarius astral sky of testifies to the importance played by your passions and your hobbies in your life. It also indicates that you are a person filled with love and are always willing to do everything you can to fulfill the desires of the people who are important to you. On this March 1, therefore, you'll happily act for the good of others.
The presence of Mars in your astral sky speaks about your determination, your will-power and your strength of character, three qualities which should be particularly useful for the advancement of your career. Be careful not to burn your wings though. Indeed, you will tend to be impatient today. Remember that everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait!
Sunday, March 02
Those Sagittarius who've been complaining about the monotony of their existence, may regret their words today as your love life will experience unexpected twists and turns. Venus, Uranus and Pluto team up to put some spice in your love life.
If you are already in a relationship, it's not certain you'll end the day with the same person, and you are not immune to a sudden bolt from the blue. On the other hand, if you are single now is the time to meet that special person you've been waiting for. So get out of your cave, you won't regret it.
Professionally, you are attracted to change, and increasingly feel like you want to be your own boss. Go for it, everything is in place to make it easier for you. On the financial side, you and money are finally seeing eye to eye, and you can allow yourself to have a little more fun. It's about time!