Monday, January 20
The meeting of Uranus, Pluto and Neptune may be explosive ... making the day of January 20 a particularly interesting experience. Were you planning to sit comfortably in front of the fire and enjoy the peace and quiet? The turmoil in your thoughts is unlikely to give you the opportunity.
Your desire to change things and your impulsiveness will dominate the picture today. In this particular astral context, therefore, you should be careful not to act too quickly on your decisions, at the risk of bitterly regretting them at a later time.
The dawning awareness you'll feel will nevertheless help you to pin point the elements of your professional and love life that no longer feel like you. The gap between the reality of your daily life and your dreams seems significant. If you want to brige it, it's preferable to take a long-term view. This will give you the best results!
Tuesday, January 21
Dear Aries, if you enjoy exploring your inner feelings and giving free rein to your thoughts, your astral chart today should spark your interest. Dominated by Neptune, it will encourage you to take a step back from your daily life, in order to look at the problems you are currently facing from a more original angle.
At first this poorly understood planet may make you feel uncertain. On January 21, you will openly question the meaning of your existence, the ties that bind you to your friends, your spirituality, your love story, how you educate your children or choices you've made in the past. In other words, your brain runs a real risk of overheating!
Don't worry, Mercury in your sky will encourage you to have an open discussion about these things with those close to you. This welcome support will be your safety valve.
Wednesday, January 22
Under the influence of the Sun and Mercury, today, January 22, will be placed under the sign of friendship and warm exchanges for Aries. Today, you'll want to get through your chores quickly to make the most of the friendly atmosphere that awaits you.
Now is a good time to get your friends together and put the obligations that have tended to weigh on you recently to one side for a while. The end of the day would be an ideal time to take a break and relax for a few hours in good company.
At work, you'll try to create a more peaceful atmosphere with your colleagues and superiors. Results shouldn't be long in coming, your jokes and good humor will help to create a good atmosphere from the start of the day. In matters of the heart, you feel in the mood for introspection and will be thinking about every detail of your love life.
Thursday, January 23
Your astral climate is now ruled by Pluto, this dwarf planet which fascinates us as much as it inspires fear. Under its influence, therefore, on this January 23 you can expect to question some of your most entrenched certainties, whether they concern your relationship with the world, your loves or your financial situation.
From today onwards you'll feel a real need for change that will lead you into hitherto unexplored territories. During this journey into new things, you may pass through frightening and arid landscapes, that could lead you to think, for a moment, that there's nothing good on the new agenda.
Think again: it is precisely by agreeing to face your most primary fears that you'll be able to find solutions to the problems that have bothered you for too long. Like most Aries, you're not afraid to look your truths in the eye anyway. By promoting communication, Mercury will help you get through this very intense day more easily!
Friday, January 24
If I had to choose two words that sum up the day of January 24, I would say love and luck. Thanks to the presence of the Sun, the Moon and Venus in the Aries astral sky, pleasure and happiness are on the cards. You'll feel revitalized, strong, ready to face whatever life throws at you.
In love you should be very lucky. Watch out if you're single, a miracle could be heading your way! It seems very likely that that rare gem could cross your path today. If it's someone you already know by sight why not stop and have a chat, you could be surprised by the result.
Today is also synonymous with success at work. It looks like there are interesting contracts on the horizon and you'll be determined not to miss any opportunity to succeed. And the cherry on the cake today is you'll also find time to enjoy yourself and maybe even splash out a little. After all, no one wants to be a miser! Life is short and you've decided to enjoy every moment.
Saturday, January 25
Highlight this January 25 on your calendar, your astral conjunction will be profoundly favorable to your development on this day. Under the combined influence of Mars, Venus, and the Sun, you won't just become aware of how lucky you are, you will also have sufficient confidence to expand your range of possibilities even further.
All your being will be directed towards a single goal: pleasure, affirmation and the search for beauty. Whether you are single or in a relationship this seems to be the ideal context for you.
Don't be surprised if you feel the urge to grab every single pleasure that comes your way today... and share your happiness with the people who've always been there for you. At work, your optimism will also be a real asset. Your good qualities may soon be noticed. Keep an eye open!
Sunday, January 26
Today, the atmosphere may be a bit electric due to the influence of Mars in your sky. As a Aries today you can expect impatience for starters, followed by mood swings and some recklessness for dessert, all seasoned with a bit of irritability.
Be brave! It's just one difficult day and I'm sure you'll come through with flying colors as long as you don't let yourself be upset by the least little frustration. In both your love life and your professional life you'll have to cultivate your zenitude if you don't want to end up on the war path. Given the strength of your determination, you are perfectly capable of doing this.
Don't let yourself be ruled by one small planet, you can stay completely in control and end the day without too much hassle. Having said that, you'll need to count to ten before you speak or act today, otherwise you'll hurt those you love.