Weekly Horoscope for the week of March 31

This week of March 31 to 6 April should help Aries worried about the progress of their projects to think more serenely about their future. The meeting of Jupiter and Neptune clearly encourages you not to neglect the importance of your dreams and to fight for them to become a reality.

In the days to come you should be reflecting deeply on this and that should quickly give you a clearer vision of your current situation and the actions you need to implement for your future.

The presence of the Moon encourages you to give free rein to your creativity and sensitivity. It is by being mindful of your present that you give yourself the best chance of achieving your true goals. A period of solitary introspection cannot be ruled out.

When it comes to love, in the coming days you will take some time to think honestly about the reality of your relationship and try to find concrete solutions to the problems your couple is encountering. If you are single, you will get a better understanding of what you really expect from a love affair. There is some behavior you will no longer tolerate.

At work, advancing your career will be your top priority this week of March 31 to 6 April If you can behave strategically, small advances should soon start to happen.

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Neptune's influence will be noticeable this week

From a general point of view, you can look favorably on the meeting of Jupiter and Neptune in the Aries astral sky. From Monday, influenced by these two planets, you will be thinking about redefining what you really want from life and the major steps towards achieving that.

Whether because of a desire to conform or a fear of change, lately you've had a tendency to push your true aspirations to one side to concentrate on what you think is expected of you. The current astral conjunction, however, is pushing you to focus on your own needs and not be too influenced by what other people think.

After all, you are the only person who really knows what will make you feel happy and satisfied. Although the human experience is universal, each of us is driven by their own desires. As such, it would be a shame not to give them the importance they deserve. Don't you think?

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